Chapter 38

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I instantly fought to get to Jayden. After all, he was the one who started all of this. Without him, everything could return to normal. The one problem was getting through his bodyguards. Dominic, Torin, and another wolf surrounded him, protecting all sides but one. The way he was actually facing was uncovered. He sat in the back, letting his puppets fight for him. 

I was soon flanked by Hunter and Alex. That brought back memories of how Jayden was, how he used to be, before his crazy power hunt happened. 

"Okay, so I'll take out Dominic and Hunter will go after Torin. Oliver is going to engage the other wolf. Once they're busy, you have a straight line to Jayden. We're all aiming to kill these four, but everyone else is trying to injure. Phoenix, my love, try to kill him. If you can't, try to injure him as much as possible until I or someone else can help you. Remember, I love you." I checked behind me, and sure enough, there was Oliver. Well, I assumed it was him. I couldn't really tell when he was in his wolf form.

"Got it." After a few seconds of silence, I added, "Oh, yeah, and I love you too, fur-ball." He chuckled.

Our small group moved out, each wolf to his own opponent. I hung back a little, letting Ash watch and listen to my surroundings more.

Behind- The warning was barely out of Ash's proverbial mouth and I spun, catching the wolf before it landed on my back. My claws raked across it's belly, leaving long, red streaks. The wolf jumped away from me, bared his neck reluctantly, and ran off to fight someone else.

I scanned around me, looking for my opening. Oliver and Snow - the wolf was white, soo yeah; you got any better ideas? - were still locked in battle, turns out they were both pretty good fighters. Hunter was standing over Torin, jaws around Torin's neck. Hunter waited a few seconds, shook his head, and dropped Torin. My twin proceeded to sniff him, nudge him, and rip open his stomach. It was pretty gross, actually. Alex was doing similar things to Dominic, so I'm not going over that again.

"You go, I'll help Oliver, then go help whoever needs it. Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I love you!" I was standing away from the battle, on the edge of the woods, keeping out of sight until I was needed.

"I love you, too. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Back when you were brainwashed into thinking you didn't know your supposed mate. I will always love you. And when all this is finally over, we will complete the bond." Alex came over to me and licked my muzzle. I licked his back, and he went to head back into the fray.

"Aww, thanks. But you never told me how we instantly talked in our minds. Jayden and I had to do this ceremony thing. He said I had to bite him and stuff. Is that true?" 

"True mates can instantly speak to each other like that. There is no 'ceremony.' It must have been a ruse to put the spell in place. And, to answer your other question, yes." He turned, did a creepy wolf smile, and ran off to help Oliver, who was still fighting Snow. Those two were well matched, apparently. Wait.

"Did you say I did have to bite you?!"

"No. But it was implied." 

"Ha ha. So funny."

"Stop distracting me, woman." He was attempting to sound serious, but failed utterly. Nonetheless, I pulled my mind away from his, and looked over to Jayden. He was still just sitting there, aware that his guards were dead, but obviously didn't care. I snorted angrily. How he managed to trick me into loving him, no one knows.

I crept out of the bushes, after checking for other wolves, and slowly headed to Jayden. I got about two feet away when he turned his head and looked straight at me. He stood, taking his time. Facing me, he tipped his head.

"It doesn't have to be this way. I'll allow you and your twin to live if you become my mate." Jayden told me. I jumped, on edge now. How the heck did he do that? Only mates can talk to each other mind-to-mind, and Alex was my proven mate!

"Just a little witch trick, dear. But don't worry, she won't force you to do anything you don't want to." Jayden said, answering the question in my mind.

"No. My answer is no. I will not be your mate. I never was. It was all fake. You also told my sister to kill herself -" Sensing that he was about to answer, I cut him off "- I know you gave her a choice, but, honestly, what choice did you think she'd make? You knew she'd kill herself rather than harm me, or Hunter, who's important to the prophecy!  So, yes. It does have to be this way."  With that, I launched myself at him.

He was ready for my attack, though, and threw me off the instant my claws touched his back. No more Mr Nice Guy, apparently, since we were circling each other and growling. I focused on my target, not the sounds of other battles going on around me. My world narrowed to Jayden and me. That's all that mattered.

All of a sudden, Jayden leaped forward, knocking me to the ground. I instantly jumped to my feet, not wanting my stomach exposed. Not wasting a second, I threw myself towards him, without success. Jayden grabbed my right hind leg in his teeth and held tight. I turned my body left and right, trying to get at him, or to at least get him off. But there was no way. So I did the only thing possible. I shook the leg he held to and fro, as hard as possible. I pulled forward, while Jayden held still. With a snap, and a whole lot of pain, I was free. 

We started circling again, my hind leg off the ground. I whimpered with every jostle of my broken leg. I couldn't stop now, though. Jayden had to die. So I waited until he struck forward in agitation to attack. When he leaned down to grab my right foreleg, I bit down hard on his ear, the only thing within reach at the moment. He barked sharply, ripping his head loose. Great. I always wanted an ear in my mouth. As soon as it was out, I braced myself for another attack. Except it wasn't Jayden I had to worry about. Because when something bowled me over, I recognized the fur all too well. What was Nila doing?


Sorry this chapter was long, and late, but I had some school stuff to work on. Plus, there's a musical that I'm in, so that takes up a lot of my time. But here's Chapter 38! And, if you were, wondering, there aren't that many chapters left! 

This chapter is dedicated to Scarletletterheart, for voting and following! Thank you! It means a lot to me! All of you mean a lot to me! <3 

Hope you enjoyed! Talk to you later! :)

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