Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Play the song “Poison and Wine” by The Civil Wars when I say so ;)

We entered the kitchen and Mark was leaning on the fridge, back to us, looking out the window.

“I just-” Jay began, but looked at Mark and turned him around. “We just wanted to say sorry.” she smiled weakly.

“For what, mum?” Louis asked.

“For overreacting like that. That was not the most appropriate thing to do at that moment.” she sighed. “But you have to understand, I haven't seen you in over 8 months. And when we finally get to see you, I find out that you kissed Harry- it just...” she searched for words. “It shocked me, that's all. But I do support you, if that's what you want out of-”

“Whoa, whoa, mum, stop.” Louis interrupted. “Me and Harry?...we're” he chuckled and Jays' eyes widened.

“Wait- I don't- hold on-” she looked at Mark for some sort of answer. “You said that they were snogging on-” she rambled.

“Mum!” Louis started laughing. “We didn't 'snog' per-say. We just kissed a bit. As a birthday present you could say? Just to try?” Louis narrowed his eyes, looking for the right words.

“Oh God.” Mark groaned covering his face with one hand.

“What?” Louis asked, frowning.

“Nothing-” Mark replied quickly. “It's just that, men try out new cars and new cologne. Not the other sex. That's not something you just 'try' out of the blue. Louis if you're gay, that's fine. I will still look at you the same but-”

“No. Stop.” Louis raised his palm signaling for Mark to shut up. “One: IM NOT GAY! I LIKE WOMEN! Two: even if I was, you'd still look at me like I'm a bug on your shoe. I don't care if you don't like me- but that doesn't mean you can look at my best friend like something you'd flush down the toilet!” Louis snapped.

“Louis, baby, calm down.” Jay comforted. “Mark is just trying to say-”

“What. What is trying to say? Let him speak for himself.” Louis sneered. “What is it? What do you have to say? Because you were just fine with speaking at the table not to long ago. Tell me. What the HELL is on your mind?!” Louis challenged, edging toward him with every sentence.

“Don't you dare speak to me like that!” Mark bellowed, but Louis didn't step back.

“Louis, stop.” I spoke for the first time, grabbing his wrist trying to pull him back. He just snatched his arm back, not looking away from the tall man.

“One night.” he spoke quietly. “We'll stay for one night and be gone first thing tomorrow morning.” he said passing me and walking out of the kitchen. I followed him, leaving Mark and Jay in the kitchen, shocked expressions on their faces.


“Here.” I said to Louis, handing him a blanket.

“Thanks.” he mumbled, taking it and stretching it out on the couch.

“Are you sure you don't want your room? I can stay down here if you-” I tried.

“Harry, it's okay.” Louis smiled warmly. “I'd rather you and Shalice be in the same bed, than you and I. What with all this “Larry gay” drama going on. It's just for one night.”

“Are you sure, mate?” I frowned. I really didn't feel right to kick him out of his own room.

“Positive, Haz.” he pat my shoulder. “Now get some rest. It's almost midnight.” he smiled giving me a hug. I sighed and let go.

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