Chapter 27

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Are ya'll nervous?



Everything was silent.

“Lucah, what are you doing here?” the Judge asked him.

“My friend Nick over here,” he put a tough, friendly arm around Mr. Curruthers, “gave me a quick call. Decided to come down here and take the stand, if that's okay with you Arnold.” he asked.

We looked at each other and mouthed 'Arnold?'.

“That's Mr. Rodgers to you.” he smirked. “And of course. Go right ahead.”

He's seems real buddy-buddy with the judge. Oh lord...

Lucah smiled and winked at Harry and Louis. I heard Harry growl. I wish I could hold his hand, that always calms him down.

“Please raise your right hand.” the bailiff told Lucah once he was sitting in the podium next to the judge. “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”

“You know I do.” he smiled.

“Mr. Anderson?” the Judge asked Lloyd to proceed.

“Right, ahem.” he cleared his throat and got up and walked over to Lucah. “Afternoon Mr. Richardson. Now, why are you here today? To have justice for your friends? To put my clients away in prison?” he asked.

Lucah sighed.

“I'm here let them go.” he smiled sincerely.

We all looked at each other and there were a few murmurs here and there. Mostly the jurors. Harry and Louis looked through squinted eyes like 'Somethings up.'

“Excuse me?” Lloyd asked.

“Well, I cam here because they didn't do it. I didn't want them to go to prison for something they didn't do. I know what that's like and I don't want them to ruin their careers. They are young and they have their whole lives ahead of them. I couldn't imagine how they and their fans would react. That's all.”

“So you aren't upset about you friends?” Lloyd asked him.

“I'm upset that Danny died, yeah. But Harry didn't do it. If you look at his medical history, he had high blood pressure, and a history of heart attacks. Maybe had a heart attack when he hit the glass. Harry didn't intend to hurt my cousin.” Lucah looked at them sincerely.

Harry and Louis didn't move. They just glared at him.

“So you're saying that those men right there are innocent?” Lloyd pointed to them.

“Yes, sir.”

“Well, then. No further questions your honor.”


After that, we were dismissed and we all went back to Trisha's place.

“What the hell was that?!” Liam shouted once we were in the house.

“I don't know!” I replied.

“Do we trust that he really wants them free?” Niall asked.

“No!” we all answered.

“Of course not!” I told him. “You can NEVER trust Lucah. He pretends to be nice, then he really wants to destroy you!”

Doniya came downstairs with Waliyah.

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