Chapter 19

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You probably don't care if I update, but I wanna hurry up and finish this since schools out and summer begins. -,- But hopefully you'll at least one?



-Liam's POV-

That night around 1 in the morning, when everyone was sleeping, I got up from the couch to go to the bathroom. I've always hated motels. They are dirty, unsanitary, and hot. I was in only boxers. I usually sleep with sweats and a t-shirt, but it was too hot for that. I lifted the seat and did my business, then flushed and washed my hands.

As I got out, I stopped and look towards the two beds: Zayn, Louis, and Niall in one; Harry in the other bed...but no Shally. I frowned. I went to the front door, and it was unlocked. I opened it, and was met by a blast of cold air. I shivered, and put on a v-neck and sweats. I slipped them on, and stepped outside. I looked around and spotted Shalice sitting on the curb of the sidewalk. I walked over to her, and wrapped my arms around her shivering body. She flinched at the sudden contact, but leaned into my embrace, and put her arms around my waist.

“Shhh.” I comforted. “It's alright.”

She sniffled, and I felt a tear on my neck and slide down my chest.

“What's wrong? You shouldn't be out here by yourself.” I whispered to her soothingly.

“I know. I just-” she sniffled again.

“Want to come back inside?” I asked her.

She shook her head no.

“I don't want to wake them with my crying, that's why I came out here.” she said softly. “You can go back inside, if you-”

“Why would I do that?” I smiled. She smiled and looked into my eyes. It was at that moment that I realized her eyes. They were like mine, yet they held something else. My brown eyes were full of care and friendliness. Hers, on the other hand, were filled with beauty. Pure beauty. You can tell a lot about someone by their eyes. She is heartbroken and weak.

“Have you ever missed someone so much, that I literally hurts?” Shalice asked suddenly, taking me out of my thoughts. “Every muscle in your body aches, and every inch of your mind is flooded with thoughts of them?”

I thought.

“Yeah, actually. When I was little, my mum got very ill. I was about 8?” I questioned, trying so desperately to forget the horrific event.

“No. I was 9. Yeah, because I won the spelling bee in year 4.” we laughed, as I began reliving about the geeky moment of my past. “Anyway, I was 9 and I only learned about what it was that she had when I was 12. My dad refused to tell me that she had cancer. I forget the name of it.” I chuckled, as I felt a cold tear slip out of my left eye.

“Um...she stayed in the hospital for about 7 months, practically lived there. And I don't remember much. Just a lot of sleepless nights, and headaches. I cried so much, I couldn't bare the loss of my own mother. So I prayed every night for her recovery. Then me and my sisters went to church, and that's when we...i guess you could say...found God? We prayed to him, and asked him for forgiveness of our sins, and in 3 months, my mother beat it.” I smiled, thinking about when we got the results. I was scared at first, but when I found out that my mom won the battle, I was overjoyed.

“So I guess you could say, I missed my mother a lot. It was weird because I felt like she was alive, but then again, she wasn't. She missed out on so much of my life. But I'm just glad she's still breathing. I thank God everyday for that precious gift.”

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