Chapter Eight: Lyra

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Chapter Eight: Lyra

"Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days."

Kris Carr

I have very few friends. I'll admit that, but I do seek the comfort of werewolf people like everyone else. Apollo has been so busy the past few days with becoming alpha that I have been put on the back burner. I've started watching this old human cartoon, Archer, and have watched every episode so many times I can talk with the characters.

I don't leave the room very often. There's a bathroom attached, so I only really need to leave for food, and I have cut back a lot on how much I eat, so I can avoid leaving. Everyone here hates me, and without Apollo around they are not afraid to show it. I have stopped engaging them, and just ignore it.

I stretch out on the bed, and as I do, Apollo walks in. "Have you eaten?" he asks. Now, like any normal person, I thought he was asking because he wanted to eat with me.

"No," I reply.

"Well, you should eat. I'm going to a meeting. I will be back late," he says as he leaves.

This feeling of intense loneliness overtakes me when he leaves. I don't think I've ever been this sad in my life. It physically hurts in my chest. I roll over to my side, and curl up in the fetal position. I know I should eat because I didn't eat yesterday, and we're already halfway through this day, but I can't find the strength. I start to cry softly.

"Hey, I forgot my binder." Apollo comes over to the bed. I didn't even hear him come in. He sees me, and audibly gasps. "What's wrong?" he asks.

I don't respond because that's too much effort, and I'm tired. I just shake my head, and close my eyes. I can feel Apollo is trying to shake me awake, but I still drift into nothingness.

"Hello, Lyra. Can you hear me?" I hear as I come to consciousness. I nod. My eyes open, and adjusts to the light. The man that was speaking is still talking, but I cannot hear him. I open my mouth to talk, and nothing comes out.

Water comes out of nowhere, and a little cup full was poured into my mouth.

"What happened?" I ask.

The doctor speaks. "You had severe dehydration and you were also very malnourished." My mouth forms an O.

"Why weren't you eating or drinking?" Apollo asks from a chair beside me. How did I not notice him before?

"I was eating. I just forgot. That's all."

"The doctor thinks you may have anorexia." I gasp in surprise.

"Look, Apollo, I just don't like to leave the room that much, so I haven't been eating as much as I should be. It has nothing to do with my looks."

"Why don't you want to leave the room?"

"Do we have to do this now?" I turn my attention to the doctor. "When can I go back to my room?"

"We just have to disconnect you. Alpha, you must assure she continues to eat and drink. Also, if it's not anorexia. It might be a severe case of depression. I think you should bring her back tomorrow for her to have a psyche evaluation." He says it casually like I'm not there or a child interfering in adult conversation.

"I'm not coming back tomorrow or ever. Now, take these stupid IVs out before I rip them out. Matter fact." I rip my IVs out, and the skin heals within seconds. "There. I just saved you a whole two minutes. You may continue to talk to my daddy, but I am going back to my room."

I storm out, and then it suddenly dawns on me. I have no idea where I am, so I mindlessly wander for a few minutes before I run into a maid to direct me. She visibly sneers at my hospital wear, but I don't have the strength to reply.

I walk into my room, and lay down on the bed, face first. I huff in annoyance. They wonder why I'm depressed. The stupid stuff I got to deal with. I grab a phone, and dial a number.

"Hello," the deep male voice picks up the phone.

"I can't do this anymore," I cry.

"Oh, Lyra, it's okay."

"No, it's not. I hate it here, and everyone hates me. I'm too feral. I'm too stupid." I lower my voice. "I'm starting to hate me too."

"Do not say this. Who is this? This cannot be my sister, Lyra. My sister would be strong and hold her head up. The sister I have would not give up. The sister I have is amazing. She is smart, and she's fun. She has people who love her. She has me and Lupus and dad and even mom with her nonexistent boobs." I laugh. "There's that laugh. Now, I'm sure you smell like crap. Go take a shower, and call me later. My mate is supposed to be giving me a massage."

"You and those massages. Alright, I'm getting in the shower. Bye." I hang up on Draco, and look up. Apollo is standing there. "How long have you been there?" I ask.

"Long enough."

"Are we going to have to talk about this?" He nods. I sit up indian style and get comfortable.

"Why haven't you told me how people are treating you? I never want you to feel like this, again." He pulls me into his arms, and holds me close.

"You aren't around," I say as I pull out his arms.

"Have I been neglecting you?"

"Yes, we need to call the council, and get you charged with abuse," I say smiling.

"I'm sorry." He pulls my shirt to the side to reveal my engagement bite. "Let me show you my love." I nod in approval. (Maybe add sex scene later in life.)

He thoroughly shows me his love, and when I wake up the next morning, I am pure and utter bliss knowing that we are officially mates forever.

Suddenly, the phone rings, and I pick it up.

"Hello," I say.

"Lyra, it's me, Lupus."

"Hey, Lu!"

"Look, I don't have long, but I wanted to share the good news with you."

"What good news?"

"I'm pregnant."

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