Chapter 6: Love You!

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After classes, the 3-A class had to remain in school to start planning and preparing for the play. Lucy, Natsu and Sting and the other cast members had to go to the main auditorium to read the script with their director, Erza.

Everyone was present because they were afraid to be late and they didn't want to be in the wrath of the scarlet president. They all gathered in the middle of the room with the chairs formed circled. Erza stood in the middle of the crowd to give some instructions. After a few instructions, the director sat down beside Lucy and instructed to start reading the script.

"Royal Highness..." Levy said as she read her line as one of the fairies in her script.


"NATSU! IT'S YOUR TURN TO READ THE LINE!YOU'RE PRINCE EDWARD" Erza shouted as soon as a long silence occurred. "Aye!" Natsu said startled as he started to look for the page they were in. Everyone face palmed while Erza began to spread a deadly aura around the room, making her look like she was about to detonate soon. Lucy who was seated next to Erza started to get scared, so she whispered loud enough for Natsu to hear, "Page 34!"

"Ah! Thanks!" Natsu quickly thanking Lucy as he finally finds the right page before glancing down at the script. Clearing his throat he started reading his line, "Stand my dear Fairy of Earth, what made you visit me?" Natsu began to pull his scarf as a way to lessen his uneasiness of reading in front of everybody. Soon Levy answered as she read her script, "I have brought news."

"What news, Fairy?" Natsu then glances at Levy who kept her eyes focused to the paper, "The princess of the lost fairies has been locked up in a tall tower. And she is in need of help. Her cry has been heard by the world of fairies and we cannot disregard this." Ending her line, Levy looks up at Natsu as if she was trying to tell him he was next to speak. "Who would do such thing to a harmless princess? Why would they lock her up in a tall tower? What should I do to save her from despair? Dear Fairy of earth"

"Oh Prince Edward! Thank you for offering your help to save the princess. She is indeed in real despair, locking her up has brought more danger to the kingdom. You must help her to escape that doomed castle before her curse closes the last window and begin to spread the air of death..."Levy answered as she read her script

"Yes dear fairy, I sure would save her from her lonely room...And maybe she is the princess I have been searching for to be my wife!" Natsu replied but after his last line he started to shiver in disgust.

"Wait...this sounds weird." Natsu then looks up at Erza, "Just because the prince saves the princess, he is going to marry her?"

Everyone then looked horrified at Natsu for trying to make a comment about the script. Knowing that Erza created the script, no one dares to criticize the dialogues. But it seems like he was unfazed by that fact.

"I think Natsu is right..." Lucy second demotion as she looks at Natsu then to Erza. As the scarlet haired president rereads the script, she nods her head in agreement, "Alright, what do you suggest Natsu?"

"Oh umm...Not quite good with these about you Luce?" Natsu looks at Lucy intently making the surprised blonde blush.

"Oh uh...maybe he can say 'Aside from helping her escape the tower, what can I do to save her from her curse, dear fairy?' or something like that..." Lucy then hides her face from everybody as she felt embarrassment. But instead of receiving weird looks, Lucy saw everyone was nodding in agreement. "That's better Luce! You're a good writer!" Natsu commented before writing the line for himself. After hearing her best friend's compliment, she couldn't help herself to smile softly to the pinkette.

Soon enough, after all the corrections made, they all continued. One of their classmates read the narration and said that they will see the scene with the other prince.

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