Chapter 9: Mother's Know Best

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After their awkwardly quiet dinner, Natsu stayed in his room and laid down his bed. He stared at the ceiling as he let himself get lost in his own thoughts. It was obvious in his face that he was thinking deep about something that has been bothering his mind. As he was in deep thoughts, his door suddenly opens and reveals his blue-haired mother.

"Hey, Natsu..." Grandine calls softly as not to fully intrude the silent time of her son

As Grandine steps inside the room, the teen slowly sat up trying to figure out what to say to his mother as not to worry her more., "Uh, hey mom...great dinner?" Natsu said more like a question than a statement. His mother then giggles before she replies, "You said that already..."

"Oh...uh, great dress?" Natsu tries again but Grandine just smiled at him

It was obvious that no matter what Natsu tried to say to make an excuse, Grandine would see through it. And so, Natsu just sighs as he watches his mother come closer.

"Natsu," Grandine firmly but softly calls, making Natsu stare back at his mother. He knows there was no point of avoiding a conversation with his mother. He also knows that it was about his problem. Usually, his mother would come to his room whenever she notices he has a problem or he has something bothering him. 

Natsu is not ashamed about having his parents come up to his room to give him some pep talk. After all, from time to time, young teenagers need parents' advice. But right now, he doesn't know where to start with his problem.

"Wendy said to me, you and Lissana are official? Is it true?" Grandine asks once she knew that Natsu was serious and ready to open up. As she sat down at the edge of the bed, Natsu tried to smile in front of her as if he was trying to hide his real emotions, "Yeah! Isn't it great?" Natsu said with an excited voice.

Hearing her son sound so excited, she knew it wasn't his genuine self. Even the smile, Grandine didn't buy it because a mother knows their children. She knows her children's real smile and pretentious grin. And seeing Natsu's now only told her, he was hiding something. 

Grandine then holds the hand of her son, "But you don't look great...what's the matter?"

"Psh!" Natsu chuckles to himself, trying hard to cover up his worried look, "Nothing mom...Everything is fine. Don't worry,"

"Natsu, tell me...I'm your mother, I'll listen to you" Grandine then gave a warm smile to her son, who suddenly turned silent

Silence lingered for a moment until Natsu softly asked, "Did...Did you and dad have any rules as a couple before?"

"Rules? Well..." Grandine thought for a second, contemplating about how did their topic involve rules. But she focused on the question and thought well. She then continues, "We didn't call it rules but, I and your father made some promises to each other,"

Grandine then cocks her head to the side as she tries to read the expression of her son, who had his face scrunched up. It was clear that Natsu was bothered about his new relationship with his girlfriend.

"Why'd you ask?" Grandine inquires, snapping Natsu out of his thoughts

"I...I'm just worried," Natsu replies looking up at his mother, who intensely listened, "Lisanna made some 'rules' between us..." Natsu pauses for a second, trying to make the problem sound less stressful, "She wants me to spend my whole time with her,"

Grandine then nods her head as she slowly grasps the issue, "I don't think that should be a bother, dear. Lisanna is your girlfriend, and it's normal to spend most of your time with her. Right?"

"But how about my friends?" Natsu worriedly asks back. Grandine then squeezes lightly Natsu's hand and smiled at him. Grandine then replies, "Then spend your time with your friends along with her. I know, Lisanna is also a friend of your friends. So, I don't think you should be worried about it. She's not different from your group, she's part of it"

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