Chapter 8: Worriedly happy

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After Natsu took a shower, he dressed himself back to his uniform and headed out of the school. However, he was walking still in deep thoughts. He walked past the park and he seemed to forget something but he can't remember what.

"Natsu! Wait up!"

He fell from his trance and turned around to look at the person who just called him, "Oh Lissana it's you...OH!" His eyes widens as he realized was suppose to meet up with the short haired in the park. Trying to hide his fault he tried to say something, "I-I was...uh...looking for you..."

"You didn't see me? I was just-"

"Sorry...let's go home?"

Natsu didn't want to handle the fault he has done because of his spacing out anymore, therefore he cuts of Lissana by asking to go home already. As he invited her to go home, Lissana then embraced his arms and asked, "Before we go home...can we grab something to eat?"

" about sushi?"

"Sushi it is!"

Natsu and Lissana then went off to the place where a lot of food stores are at. But knowing Natsu, who loves food, drags the short haired girl to eat sushi in a familiar sushi bar. As they entered, Natsu's mood suddenly changed and cheered, "ALRIGHT! Lissana lets eat here! Their sushis are the best!"

"Really? Is this a popular sushi bar that's why you know this?" Lissana asked as she looked around the place to look for an empty table. "Well not really...Me and Lucy would always eat here after game practices..." Natsu answered as he roamed his eyes around as well to look for an empty table.

Lissana then ended her look to Natsu as if she was uncomfortable all of a sudden, "Oh...So this is yours and Lucy's hang out place?" Natsu was then struck by reality when Lissana mentioned Lucy's name. He suddenly realized he just talked about another girls name, scratch that not just another girl but his best friend. "Well...It's not to-"

"It's fine Natsu...can we eat somewhere else then? Somewhere new to you and me" Lissana then gave a smile before she headed out of the place. Natsu on the other hand, watched his date walk off the place. He looked around the place first and saw his and Lucy's usual seat before he turned around to leave the place too. He was half hearted to leave the place not just because it was a place where he used to hang out with Lucy but because it was his favorite sushi bar.

Natsu didn't argue anymore with insisting the place and just complied with the beauty and went on to another sushi bar. As Lissana found a new sushi bar, she entered at once while pulling her date along. As they were in Lissana then looked at the pink haired date, "Let's eat here! You go look for a table while I order what were going to eat..." Natsu again just agreed and looked for a table to eat and wait for Lissana.

As the two waited for their order, Natsu recalled what Lissana told him early that morning. She told him that she wanted to tell him something important, "Uh...Lissana you said you wanted to tell me something. What is it?" Before the girl could answer back, the food was finally given which caught the attention of the two. As the food was being put in the table, he was looking for a certain bottle, "Excuse me? Didn't we ask for a hot sauce?"

"Oh, I was not told sir...sorry, I'll just get it" The waiter said before he walked back in the kitchen to get one

"Hot sauce? Isn't wasabi enough to spice up your food?"

"Well I like it spicier and hotter...Lucy knows that, that's why she never forgets to ask for it."

"Only Lucy knows that?" Lissana then gave off a curious look which made Natsu feel guilty again in bringing Lucy's name once more in their conversation. Since he felt guilty, he wanted to change topic already so he asked, "You wanted to tell me something, right?"

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