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[this starts the same way the chapter 12 starts, its not glitching dw]

It was a Saturday, and Ashton was working in the retail shop again. He wasnt particularly fond of it, but hey, it paid, and it was only part time.

He was pretending to look busy, looking over the clothes, acting as if he was examining them.

An annoyed sigh escaped him, officially bored of doing nothing, since the customers all looked like they knew what they were doing.

All of them just walking around the store, most of them being moms with prams, or women with cellphones, that Ashton didn't really want to disturb.

He looked around to see if there was a customer that seemed confused on something, but instead of spotting one, he spotted something better.


Ashton immediately perked up with a smile, and made his way to the blonde, who had just walked into the shop.

As soon as Ashton made eye contact with the blonde, Luke sent over a small wave, Ashton grinning over the small action.

He felt somewhat hapoy that Luke remembered when Ashton worked at the shop. Then again Ashton basically texted Luke everything about his life.

"Heya, stranger." Ashton cheered, and chuckled along when Luke let out a quiet giggle. He stopped for a second, pulling out his phone to check the time, realising he had his break now.

"You weren't planning on shopping, were you?" Ashton asked, and Luke shook his head.

The shorter of the two smiled. "Great. Because I have a small break, so how about we get some coffee?"

Ashton watched as Luke nodded eagerly, and the hazel boy laced his hand with Luke's and walked towards the coffee shop at the other side of the mall, not seeing Luke's flushed cheeks.

The two ordered, Ashton asking Luke if he was ok with the same drink as him. The blonde nodded and one their coffee was ready, they sat down.

The place was pretty empty, which was good since Ashton knew Luke disliked crowded spaces.

Luke took a sip of his coffee, Ashton mentally awe-ing at the way the blonde held the cup with two hands.

"So, anything interesting happen today?" Ashton asked, and Luke shook his head.

Ashton nodded along, lifiting his cup to take a sip, but as he was about to, he felt a vibration in his pocket, causing him to flinch slightly.

From : Mikey

dude are you with luke now?

To : Mikey

yeah, why?

From : Mikey

great, you can ask him those questions now

Ashton let out a random chuckle. Michael was acting as if he was an undercover agent, and his friend's commitment was actually quite hilarious.

To : Mikey

how the hell am i going to ask him without him questioning it

From : Mikey

just act casual about it

Ashton sent a hidden glance over at Luke, noticing the blonde looking around awkwardly.

The hazel boy looked back down at his phone, noticing Michael had sent him some questions to ask Luke.

"Hey, Luke?"

Ashton could make out Luke sitting up straight, although it was rather fuzzy since he still kept his eyes glued to the phone.

He took another sip of his coffee, and read out the question, casually. Luke Michael told him to.

"Um, what would your perfect date be?" he asked, eyes still not looking up at the blonde.

It was silent for a while, but soon enough a new message from Luke arrived to Ashton's phone.

He read it, using all his willpower to not smile at how much if a hopeless romantic Luke was.

He copy and lasted the message to Michael, and waited for his friend to send another message.

From : Mikey

ok wow you're dating a literal romantic and i have to guide you bc you suck at love

To : Mikey

just give me another question, you big red dog

From : Mikey

fine you bitch

Ashton rolled his eyes at Michael's text. He was so immature sometimes it physically hurt Ashton.

The wavy haired boy waited, and it took him a little by surprise when his phone vibrated in his hand again.

"Oh, um, do you like the night time or day time?" Ashton asked again, his hazel eyes still not meeting Luke's.

Luke's message arrived once again, and Ashton repeated the process. Ask, copy and paste, feedback, repeat.

However, he did notice Luke's drop in attitude. The blonde looked so down, and it was obviously because of Ashton.

But the smaller boy couldn't dwell on it too much. He just hoped that this would all be worth it in the end.

Hopefully, Luke feeling down will turn into Luke feeling ecstatic if the plan goes well.

After a few minutes of questions and answers, Ashton saw Luke get up from his chair. He looked up from his phone, Luke's blue eyes really being a shock to him since he hadn't seen them this whole time.

He noticed Luke's coffee still resting on the table, and he looked up once again towards Luke.

"Are you leaving?"

Luke nodded slowly.

"Oh, well, goodbye then." Ashton spoke, and he looked down to clench his eyes shut.

It honestly kind of pained to say something that blunt to Luke. But he had to keep it low for a while. According to Michael, if Ashton doesn't act distant for a while, Luke will throw him off the plan.

And maybe even end up revealing it to Luke accidentally.

Ashton just prayed that he would be able to keep his guilt under control.

He heard Luke let out a loud sigh, and he felt a small pang in his heart when Luke walked away, obviously frustrated.

He really just wanted to run up to Luke and tell him that he shouldn't be sad because he's planning something amazing for the blonde.

But, he couldn't, and so he just kept himself seated and continued texting Michael.


this chapter is basically the same as chapter twelve ( i think its that chapter )

except its ashton's perspective so yesyes

the next chapter will be chapter thirteen but ash's perspective as well :))

- ria

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