Hospital Visits...

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William's POV

I talked to Katrina the whole day. Besides a few classes. "So you want a ride?" I asked her suddenly. "Uh no. I have one." Then she pointed towards a car that had a man about my dad's age. "That's my dad. He is kinda protective." She said while waving at the guy. He looked familiar. Oh well. I just smiled. "I gotta go. Sorry William." She walked away. I sighed and walked to my car. "Great! I've fallen to hard for her, Alex!" I said as he got in. "Who? The new girl?" I nodded in response. "Her name is Katrina!" I snapped. "Woah! What's up with you?" He asked worriedly. "No clue. But I do know I gotta pick up Cassie now." "Ohh can I come?" He asked. God he was like Niall. Endless stomach, uncountable mistakes, and bubbly personality. "Your just like your dad, Willie." He said suddenly. "I was thinking you were like your dad." I laughed. I pulled up to my sister's school and she had Emma and Natalie in her flanks. I laughed at her leadership. She was just like mum. "Willie! Your here!"Cassie yelled. "Alex! Your here too!" Emma said to her big brother. "Yeah. Uh Cassie. Uncle Liam is watching you instead, I got called to work. Sorry, love." I said. "Yay! Uncle Li Li! Mummy said he's awesome!" I smiled as she got into my car. "How was school girls?" Alex turned back and asked. "There was a new boy in class from Canada, his name was Damian. He's kind of cute." Cassie said. I tensed up and Alex noticed. "Bro, it's okay. She's four, she doesn't understand." I sighed and nodded. "Yup! He was really cute, Alex!" Emma said. Alex huffed and I laughed.


I was at work when I got a phone call. "Liam? What's wrong?" I asked worried. "Cassie kind of sort of broke her arm." I sighed. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Please keep me updated." I asked. "Got it." I walked up to my boss and asked if I could have the rest of the day off. He said I could. THANK GOD! "WILLIAM! WHERE'S CASSIE? WHERE'S MY BABY GIRL?" My dad ranted. Boy was he mad. I will never hear the end of this. "Dad. Calm down! She's at the ER with Liam. She broke her arm on the swing set." I said. He sighed. "I'll be home from the studio in about uh 30 minutes." He said rushed. 'William Tomlinson? Cassie needs your signature for discharge.' The doctor called. I noticed something about Cassie. She wasn't crying, she was laughing. Okay... "William, where's Cassie?" My mum rushed in. "Room 427." She looked horrified. "Mum? Are you okay?" She nodded and walked away. Weird. What's wrong with people today? I discharged my sister and we went home.

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