Chapter eleven

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(Your Pov)

"Morning this days are so calm~" I said while walking around the gardens. It has been a really sunny week and the mornings very warm. "This feels good!" I said to myself while streching my arms and looking up at the pastel blue sky.

"What...What is that?" I saw something falling from the sky, but i couldn't tell what it was, so I wait for it it to fall and then walk to the direction it fell. "There!" I point at some trees to where the object or whatever was.

"Dam...That reaaally hurt" I heard a grunt and a voice comming from behind some trees. I hide behind a tree a lean to a side to check who was talking. "Ah...I don't get it?" I saw a man pale man sitting in the middle of a hole while scratching hes head.

"Umm...are you Okay?" I said while hesitantly walking to him, he might be someone with bad intensions. He stared at me and I just froze in place. He had a beautiful eye color, Deep Blue like the ocean. He had white hair thay almost cover hes left eye, the front of his hair was long and in the bag was a bit short and spiky. He had a long deep blue coat, a pastel yellow vest and under that a white shirt and a carvat, he had some Steampunk googles on top of his head.

"Oh ah...Hi there Miss, I'm fine...i just..." He makes a pause and looks up at the sky, "...Nothing, Anyways may you tell me where I am?" He stood up and smile at me, he is very tall. "You are on the Phantomhive's garden..." He blink at me twice with a confused look and tilt his head to a side.

"Phantom...hive?" I nod and he look at his surroundings, "I don't know what or where that is, Anyways My name is Petter Vannz Hatter Lyn the V" He said with a Smile and I just stood there...thinking about hes long name. "Hellow, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) nice to meet" I look at him not knowing wich one of his name to choose.

"Hatter...Call me Hatter" I nod, "nice to meet you, Hatter-san" I bow and he kept staring at me with a smile on his face. "(Y/N)!" I heard my name being called and I look behind me and saw a someone walking around the garden. "Could you come with me S-" ,"Hatter...." I let out a sigh and started to walk with him following behind.

"(Y/N)? Oh there you are My dear, I got worried I couldn't find you" It was Sebastian calling me he came walking to me with a relieved smile but then his smile change to a poker one when he noticed Hatter. "Where did HE came from..." He ask me and Hatter step infront of me.

"Petter Vannz Hatter Lyn the V at your service~!" He said cheerfully while offering his hand but Sebastian only look at it. "Yes well, Sebastian Michaelis...And why are you here?" Hatter retrieved hes hand and scratched the back of his head while thinking.

"I actually Don't know...well, May I stay here for a while?" He ask and I look at Sebastian he look annoyed, why? "Im not the one you should be asking that...Ask the Young Lord" He nod and turn to look at me, "Nee, (Y/N) could you guide me to where your Lord is?" He ask while smiling cheerfully like a little kid.

"Ah...Su-" Before i could answer Sebastian stood between the both of us, "Miss (Y/N), has things to do, she can't help pest like you right now, I'll guide you..." Pest? Whats wrong with Sebastian this days, "Ehhh? But i want cute little (Y/N) to guide me" He placed his arm around my shoulder and pouted.

"H-Hatter-san?!" He chuckled and took his arm off me, "Dont get embarrassed, It's normal of me to say things like this. So...will you show me" I look at him im shock and nod, "...Yes" I look at my side and Saw Sebastian glaring daggers at Hatter-san.

"Well then let's Go (Y/N)~" He took my hand and pull it lightly a king me turn his way and walk inside the Mansion. I went straight to the Master's Study and knock on the door as always, "Come In..." He said before I ask permission to go inside the room. "What is it (Y/N)?" He was sitting on his chair as always and eating some cake.

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