The Meeting

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"UGH!" I grunt as loudly as i can. Another day i have to go to hell.

I quickly get out bed and rush to the bathroom across the hall and get in the shower.

after i get out i put on a cream colored sweater with a maroon scarf and some black leggings. Then i add some brown leather combat boots. Its hard for me to find clothes because i am a relatively big girl. I'm only about 5'2 and weigh about 160.

I found out when i was about 13 that i had type 2 diabetes. I wasn't mad though. I had "supportive" friends at the time and i knew that they would help me trough it.. Well, so i thought. Turns out the following week, they ended up telling everyone in school that their fat ass friend had diabetes. Ahhhh, good times.

Anyways, ever since i found out, I have to take all these pills and watch what i'm eating. I ended up loosing about ten weeks in the fist couple of months, but nothing more. I've always been a big girl.

After putting on my clothes i decided to put on some make up so i looked like a human being. I put on some foundation and A LOT of concealer on my bags. I do have a little black history down the family line so my hair is on the curly side. But I'm mostly Indian (Like the Native Americans, India). My hair is almost to the middle of my back. It's not super long, but its not short and i like it. I quickly straighten it.

After all that i look at the clock and see that its 7:30 so i have about 45 minutes until school starts. I walk down stars and see a note sitting on the kitchen counter with money clipped to it.

Hey baby, I got paid yesterday so i thought you might need to get gas and buy some breakfast with whatever you have left. I'm going out with Joanne tonight, so get dinner with that too. Steven will be staying with Granny tonight and i probably wont be back til later, if you need anything just call me. Even if you want to come to dinner you can come too. Love you xoxo

I love mom so much! I quickly grab the $40 off the counter and grab my bag and rush to my car. It's nothing too fancy. I only have it because dad bought mom a car about 5 months before his death, so i got her old 2005 Nissan Maxima. I'm just happy i have a car. I rush to the gas station and fill up and then practically speed to Starbucks. I get to the drive through menu and thank the lord it's November.

"Good mornin', welcome to starbucks. What can i get ya today?"

"Yes, can i get a Grande' pumpkin spice latte with extra wipped cream and a blueberry muffin please? I try to say ever so sweetly.

"Yes ma'am, that'll be.. $9.75 at the next window"

"Thank you"

I'm waiting in the drive thru line for about 5 minutes and that's when it hits me. I quickly have a mini heart attack and then look at the time on my phone. 7:57 am. PHEW. I still got about 20 minutes until school starts. As I'm about to put my phone but down, I hear a very loud HONK and "THE LINE IS MOVING JACKASS" I look back and see a very pissed off boy in a HUGE black pick up truck. I then realized he was talking to me and stuck out my middle finger to him. He just sits there and flips his mop of curls upwards telling me to go.

I am the next to get my food and drink. Once I leave the line, I check the bag for my muffin and get it out. I'm eating my muffin while I'm driving when I see the same truck pulling up beside me at a red light. He rolls down his window and waits for me to do the same.

Live, don't do it he wants to rape you and steal all your Starbucks.

I didn't listen to my conscious and rolled down my window.

"What do you want?"

This red light is taking too long. I thought.

"You go to Johnson High?"

How did he kn-

"Your sticker of the rhino on the back your car"

"oh yeah"  I say quietly.

"Well, I'll see ya there"

He sped off and I finally realized the light was green. I stuffed the rest of the muffin in my mouth and drove into my parking space. We were aloud to decorate our parking spaces with temporary paint, but I never knew what to do.

I got my bag and my latte and rushed to 1st period. I walked into school and immediately got stares. I tried to act like I didn't care, but it didn't really work. I walked into first period and sat down in my assigned seat. Class started in about 3 minutes and I forgot to put my other books in my locker.. Looks like I'll be carrying them until lunch.

The bell rang and everyone walked in. They took there seat and I noticed the boy who I flicked off walking next to Mrs. Keegan.

"Alright, I don't want to sound like every other teacher, but WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT. HE'S FROM THE UK TOO!"

Everyone single girl pretty much jumped out of out if there seat so he could sit by them.

"His name is Harry and he'll be in here with us everyday, so let's treat home like the normal teenager he is. Megan, Could he sit next to you please?"

"Of course, Mrs. K." She said in her fake squeaky accent.

We all watched him walk towards the empty seat and he knew every girl was mentally undressing him.

After first period everything was pretty normal. I didn't have second, third, or forth with Harry, which was fine with me.

After forth period, I walked to my locker and finally got to put my books in them.  I casually walk into the cafeteria and decide on a chicken salad with and apple. I pick out some orange juice to go with it. I sit at my normal table next to the Windows by myself and notice Harry sitting with Megan and all the other sluts and jocks. I catch Megan's eye and she just looks at all the other people at her table, including Harry, and points at me.

"See that girl right there, she is so fat the she has diabetes and her dad killed himself because he hated his family so much.. especially her. Trust me I knew her dad. He was creepy too, He asked me if he wanted to have a threesome with me and his wife." She said so loud that everyone is the whole cafeteria heard it.

I was waiting for Harry to stick up for me. But nothing came. He just laughed.. and the worst part about it. He was laughing right at me.


Anyways.. That's the 4th chapter and I hope you liked it. Make sure to vote please!  See ya next time!

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