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Standard PA Questionnaire

First name : Alex
Parent's Name (Mom, Dad): Time Keeper, Chrono
What happened during the month of your 13th birthday? I lost my parents.

Do you have any siblings older than the age of 16?:  Yes. One sister.

Have you tried using your power?:  I don't have a power.

Biggest Weakness:  Isolation

Hobbies: Sleeping

Carefully read each question and highlight your answer

1. How do you enjoy working?  By myself, With a partner, With a team

2. What is most important to you? Friends, Love , Family

3. What are you most afraid of? Being trapped, Being surrounded, Being alone

Read each question and write your answer.

If you had the ability to fly, what would you use it for?
(I would use it to fly away from this test.)

I would use it to explore.

If you found out that you had the ability to go back in time, what would be the first thing you'd with it? I would stop my parents from going to work on my 13th birthday.

If you had the ability to be invisible, what would you use it for? To leave gifts for people when they're having a bad day.

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