5: Ice Cream

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"TIME TRAVELER! TIME TRAVELER! Your new name is really inconvenient... Julia!"

"WHAT?" Julia yells back.

"Don't wear a white shirt today." I advise.

"Um...what color shirt should I wear?"

'Black. Go change."

"Fine. Do you walk to go for a walk?"

"Sure." I say as she walks into her room to find a new shirt, after 2 minutes, she comes back in an entirely new outfit.

"Let's go." She says, motioning out of the front door.

After a couple of minutes of walking in silence, we begin talking. I spot an ice cream shop down the street. I grab her hand and drag her as I run into the shop.

"One vanilla and one blueberry cone." I say, handing the ice cream man a five dollar bill. The ice cream man takes the money and scoops the ice cream into the cones. I hand Julia her blueberry cone and notice that the ice cream man is freezing the ice cream with his eyes. That's an interesting way to put your powers to use.

"Thank you." I say, walking out of the shop. As we eat our ice cream, we keep talking.

"Hey, why did you want me to wear a black shirt today?" She asks, confused.

"Look at your cone." I say, pointing to her ice cream, which has started dripping onto her shirt.

"Oh. Thanks for telling me." She replies, wiping the melted ice cream into the black fabric.

"Wait, why didn't you tell me you had another headache? How did you know that I wanted blueberry ice cream?"

"I didn't. I never got a headache. I didn't know what was going to happen, I just knew that you shouldn't wear a white shirt, and I knew that you were going to ask for blueberry."

"Alex! I didn't even know I wanted blueberry! Your powers are developing so quickly, I'm so proud of you!" She tells me, patting me the back.

"We're going to have so much fun with my power."

"What do you mean?"

"My power is going to help us have a lot of fun."

"Alex, you know that being a superhero isn't just fun and games? We're going to be saving people soon."

"Watch out for the bus." I say, warning her.

"What bus?" She asks, stepping out of the way, towards me.

"That one." I say as a bus appears out of nowhere, speeding over the area where we had been standing a moment ago.

"Oh, that one." She says, laughing,

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