4: Headaches

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When we were ready, we made our way back to our house.

"When's the last time that you had one of your headaches?" She asks me.

"Um...yesterday? No, wait...this morning. When I got to school. I sat down in my seat and I was shaking. I started asking myself questions. I don't remember much else." I reply, trying to recall anything more,

"What were you asking yourself? Do you remember? Relax, try and walkthrough everything that happened." She advises, trying to calm me down.

"What if I don't even have a mentor? Why am I so useless?"

"Hey! Hey! You're not useless, don't say that. Why would you ever think that?" She asks, concerned.

"I never had a power... that I knew of. I always see everyone else freezing things, flying, being strong. Everyone has always seemed so much better than me. I've just been powerless. I've always been powerless. Even with my power, I still need someone else to solve a problem. I still need you to come and fix it. I'll never be a good hero on my own. Never. I'll always be the sidekick." I say, positioning my head so I don't have to look her in the eye.

She pauses for a moment, carefully thinking of what to say next.

"I'd be nothing without you... so I guess we're both powerless, but we're powerful together."

I shrug.

"You know that I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry, I never should have said anything. I'm so sorry."

"How long have you felt that way?' She asks, not letting me change the subject.

"I guess... ever since you left. So, a couple of months ago. When I had to start living on my own. I'd sit in my room for hours doing nothing, thinking about what I could have done to stop mom and dad from leaving that day, thinking about what I should have done. When I realized the answer was nothing, I knew that I was powerless, and I was going to stay that way. It was very difficult for me to be on my own for that long. So, I'm glad that you're my mentor because we can finally start being a family again, even if it is just the two of us." I say, looking down at her. She pulls me into her embrace and I finally feel safe. I finally feel comfortable for the first time since she left.

I think I can finally start to feel okay, I can finally start doing better. For these next couple of years, I won't have to survive on my own, we can survive together, as a family, as a team.

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