Part 1

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The last thing Niall remembered was his bare feet on the ice cold stone below him. It had been the middle of the night and the air was cool and crisp. He remembered his toes curling over the edge of the stone, and peering down to his impending death of the rushing frigid water. There were fingers wrapped around his as he plunged forward, thinking this is it before soundlessly falling from the bridge, and plunging into the water. Then it was dark.

Niall waited in the darkness. He couldn't hear or feel a thing. It was as if all of his senseswere turned off. Until finally he saw a shred of light in faraway distance. He remembered everyone saying to always go toward the light and since he can't see anywhere else to go he begins to walk forward. With every step he took the light became increasingly closer. Once he was close enough he realized it was coming from a big window in a door. A door otherwise surrounded completely by darkness. Niall was expecting stairs himself but if a door was the way to heaven then so be it. It was a gray door with nothing to identify where it led. The light was so bright coming from the window that Niall couldn't peer in to get a look. So instead he placed his hand on the cool door knob and slowly twisted it to the right.

What he found next pretty much convinced him this probably wasn't the door leading to heaven. Instead he had stepped into what looked like a giant office area. There were people walking and talking all around and some sitting at cubicles typing on computers. All the people were wearing white shirts. Niall looked down to see he stuck out like a sore thumb. he was wearing a black tank top with a white writing on it, ripped black skinny jeans, and black vans. Yep definitely not fitting into the whole white theme. To his left was a decent size waiting area

with two sectionals put together to make a half square. Straight ahead was a receptionist desk where a woman with a white lacy blouse sat typing frantically at her keyboard. Her dark brown hair was pinned back in a tight bun and she wore a head set which she was talking into as Niall approached the desk. He awkwardly stood there not wanting to interrupt her while she was talking. Niall shifted and the woman's head shot up in shocked realizing someone was standing there. A wide grin appeared quickly on her face as she rose to her feet to greet Him.

"Greetings! You must be our 2:36 am appointment!" She looked over to the big antique looking clock on the wall and then back to Niall, her smile never faltering. "And right on time I see too."
Niall took a step closer to the desk and leaned his elbows on glass as he began to question the woman in front of him. "You were expecting me? Where even am I? Am I dead or is this just a dream and I'm due to wake up soon?"
The woman just smiled at him and waited for him to get all of his questions out before she simply said "I know you have a lot of questions my dear, but I'm afraid I can't be the one to answer them. If you will just take a seat in our waiting room someone will be out soon to explain everything to you." Her arm extended toward the waiting area as she took a seat back at her desk and started typing again.
Niall stood there staring at the woman annoyed for a moment before reluctantly taking a seat at the end of one of the sectionals. This waiting room was different than most other waiting rooms. There was no T.V or magazines to look at. He just had to wait and twiddle his thumbs.

After a few minutes went by, a young man walked through door and the woman behind the counter did her whole welcoming spiel again as the man look around just as dumbfounded as Niall had looked. He began asking a lot of the same questions Niall had asked and the receptionist ask the man to wait in the waiting area until someone came to explain everything to him. His head turned to the sectionals and for the first time he seemed to register that there was someone else there. He turned on his heels and walked over to the middle of where the two sectionals met and took a seat on the left one. The man was beautiful with piercing blue eyes and styled chestnut brown hair that was long and swept to one side partly covered by a black beanie. He was wearing a black jacket, t-shirt, and skinny jeans, with the same all black Vans Niall was wearing. Niall could see where his t-shirt dipped down that there were words tattooed on his chest. He wondered if there were more covered up over the material of his jacket. Niall was eighteen and the man looked about the same age as him. Niall hadn't realized he'd been staring until bright blue eyes met his own blue eyes and a small smile parted on his lips that didn't reach his eyes.

"Hey I'm Louis" the boy said extending his hand toward Niall. He shifts on the couch to take his outstretched hand and returns a smile back to him.

"'m Niall" He says as he folds his hands back over lap and turns his body to face toward Louis instead of the receptionist desk.

"Do you have any idea where we are?" Louis said with a hint of fear and worry in his voice. He kept looking back and forth between Niall and wrists as his hands kept rubbing over both of them.

"I have no idea. I got here two minutes before you arrived and was told the same thing." Niall said right as a man in a white collared button down shirt and dark jeans came out and called Niall's name. He stood up and nodded to Louis before making his way over to the man standing by the desk, hoping to get some answers soon.

As Niall approached him the man smiled at him as he introduced himself as Josh, the head angel of the middle world. He led him down past the cubicles through to a big office in a corner separated from the chaos of the office by a door and a wall of glass windows. The office itself had a dark oak desk with stacks of paper on it and a chair on either side of the desk.
"If you would please have a seat I'll get to explaining things." Josh said as he took his seat behind the desk and placed his hands together in front of him.

Niall walked to the other chair and sat down as he crossed his legs and folded his hands in her lap as he waited for Josh to continue. Josh took that as his cue to start and with that he began explaining everything.

"Niall I know you have a lot of questions and I'm here to answer them all. Let me just start by explaining everything and then if you still have questions feel free to ask them." Niall nodded at this and josh proceeded to talk. "You are here Niall because you made the conscious decision to kill yourself and succeeded in doing so. However instead of going to heaven or hell right away, people who inflict death upon themselves are given a mission they must complete before moving on. It's called the Imaginary project. Basically you will be assigned a small child to be there imaginary friend, though in reality you're really their guardian angel. These children as of now are destined to kill themselves when they become young adults. However, your mission is to prevent this from happening. Of course there are rules and guidelines you must follow. Basically throughout your mission you will receive Images of your child committing

suicide, but you will not know the time or location, and the scene may change often due to circumstances."

He paused for a second to make sure Niall was following along before he continued once again. "You can only be seen by your child and other people that are dead. Your child will be told to stop believing in imaginary friends the older he gets. You will need to prevent this because once he does stop believing you will vanish and be forced to wait till they decided what to do with you. If you fail this mission and or help/convince the child to follow through will killing themselves then you will be sent to hell and turned into a demon for eternity. Understood?" He smiles up at Niall, like he hasn't just put the weight of the world on his shoulders, and waits for him to respond. Niall just nods too afraid to trust his own voice at this time. Josh reached and took a sheet of paper from the top of one of the stacks on his desk and began to glance over it and then nod in approval.

"So it says here that you will be assigned to Liam, a five-year-old little boy in London. We have to assign them at young ages to insure they believe in imaginary friends." Josh says as he slides the piece of paper across the desk to Niall. He picks it up and reads it thoroughly through. It had the full name, birthday, and location of the boy and the cause of death. That was all the information he was given. Once Josh sensed he was done reading he asked him if he had any questions for him to answer, but Niall's mind was overwhelmed and on hyper drive yet blank. He shook his head no and with that Josh waved goodbye and suddenly he was transported to London. He stood outside alone staring up at the house where his mission lay peacefully asleep inside.


Imaginary (Niam, Ziall, Ziam, Larry fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now