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Liam didn't jump. At the last minute he got down saying he couldn't do it. Niall immediately hugged him saying it was alright. Zayn wasn't going to lie though he was upset. He knew what the inevitable future held now and neither Liam or Niall was in Zayn's.

They went back to Liam's and said their goodbyes individually and then together as a group. They kissed and hugged and whispered "I love you's" over and over into each other's ears.

At 12:01 a.m. on the morning of Liam's nineteenth birthday Niall began to glow a blinding white. Liam was asleep and Zayn and Niall had their fingers intertwined resting on Liam's chest as it slowly rose and fell with life. Zayn tried to hold on to Niall as he began floating upward but Niall said he had to let go. Zayn watched as he stood on his knees in Liam's bed as Niall disappeared through the ceiling and up into the night sky for the last time.

Zayn tried to shake Liam awake to tell him Niall was gone but Zayn couldn't get him to wake up. It was like he couldn't feel Zayn's touch at all.

"Oh no..." Zayn whispered to the silent room as he realized this was it. He was officially alone. He waited till the next morning curled up next to Liam to see if it was true. When Liam woke up he slowly shifted then shot upward frantically looking from side to side and feeling around him.

"Liam? Liam." Zayn tried shouting as he grabbed hold of Liam's face, but Liam couldn't hear or feel him. That was it, Zayn was on his own.

After that everyday Zayn left letters for Liam under his pillow telling him about the mischief him and Louis got up to and that he loved him. In one letter he even revealed he had kissed Liam that one night to save him from dying.

Zayn spent most of his time with Louis now who was still hanging around Harry's place a lot.

Eventually both Harry and Liam found partners and got married. Zayn and Louis both made sure they were nice blokes before giving them their blessings. As time went on Louis and Zayn didn't hang around as much anymore. They would cause trouble around London and then get bored and go to another city to cause havoc. Every few years they would always stop back in to check on Harry and Liam and they always left their notes where only they could find them.

Zayn and Louis agreed they could never love each other like they loved Harry and Liam and Niall but they were never opposed to friends with benefits. Zayn was at least grateful for Louis company; he wasn't entirely alone like he once thought.

Harry lived to be ninety-three and died of heart complications in a hospital bed. Louis was right beside him and held his hand as he helped guide him up to heaven. When the other angels saw that a demon had actually guided him up instead of angel they reissued Louis's white wings and let him in to heaven. Then it was just Zayn.

Zayn spent the next few years around Liam's small home in the country side of England. His spouse had died many years before him and his children only visited once in a while since they lived in London. Zayn didn't want to be alone and he didn't want Liam to be alone either. He didn't know what was going to happen after Liam passed away and he never wanted to think about it.

Zayn had watched Liam age over the years from the eighteen-year-old boy he once knew to the now tired old gentlemen who sat in a recliner in front of him. Zayn was still just as in love with him now as he was back then because Liam was still the same person. He was the same guy who went outside to feed the birds every morning and tip the paper boy a generous amount. He took a lot of the money he earned at his job over the years and gave it to various charities he believed in. He was still the guy who was too innocent for his on good but had a dirty side to him. He was still the guy who everyday smiled where his eyes crinkled when he read the note Zayn left for him.

On the evening of Liam's ninety seventh birthday he settled down in his recliner to watch his evening programs. Zayn sat on his lap as he usually did and laid his head against his chest listening to his heart beat and feel the rise and fall of his chest. Just like Louis, Zayn was determined to be the one to take Liam to heaven when the day came even if he was sent back down afterwards. Zayn assumed he most definitely would be.

Zayn looked up to Liam's face as he began to hear the soft snores come from Liam's mouth. He had dosed off to sleep while watching the telly. He looked so peaceful with his eyes closed and his face looking perfectly relaxed and at peace. Zayn rested his head back on Liam's chest and closed his eyes too just focusing on the sound of Liam's heart. It wasn't until the sound stopped and Liam's chest stopped moving up and down, did Zayn open his eyes. He immediately grabbed Liam's hand and their standing in front of him was the Liam he first met at eighteen.

"Zayn..." He breathed reaching out to touch his face. They were slowly beginning to move upwards. The heavens were insisting Liam be brought to them.

"Liam, I don't think we have much time, but you'll be with Niall soon. Just know that I love you and let Niall know that I love him too. And tell Harry and Louis I said hi and that I miss them."

Zayn took in his surroundings and saw they were now in a place of all white. Zayn assumed Heaven was whatever lied beyond this and this was where he'd have to leave Liam at. He heard someone walking from behind him and turned around. He was met with a familiar face he'd never thought he'd see again.

"Niall!" He screamed running to grab Niall and hold him in his arms.

"My love." He said hugging him back. Zayn felt another pair of arms hug both of them and looked to see Liam joining in. Zayn thought even if he had to spend the rest of eternity by himself it was worth it just to be with his boys one last time.

"How long do we have before I'm sent back down." Zayn suddenly asked pulling slightly away.

"Normally we'd only have a minute but thanks to some people putting in some good words for you, we've got forever." Niall said his smile blinding.


"Zayn you're not going back down your coming with us."

"Really?" Zayn breathed in disbelief. Niall nodded his head and grabbed for both Liam and Zayn's hand and began walking them down a corridor with white marble floors and grand white with grey accented archways where two giant door floor to ceiling stood at the end.

Zayn felt his wings being shed from his back as he walked. He looked down at his hands and saw as they began to glow. He looked over to Liam whose entire body was emitting a glow to it. They continued to walk down the corridor hand and hand until they reached the door at the end of the hall. When they got there two guardian angels pulled back the door and they all three stepped in descending into heaven together forever.

Imaginary (Niam, Ziall, Ziam, Larry fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now