It's after dinner. It was Moz's favourite, BitterBeetleBogga. I guess you don't know what that is either. It's a very bitter beetle in a bog of chocolate. My favourite is ChichacChocrat. It's a gecko coated in chocrat, a type of chocolate made by rats. (And, surprisingly, not full of diseases like most other rat products) LaLa likes everything except Chocrat, so we only ever have ChichacChocrat on my birthday. Annoying. Anyway, tomorrow we're having flying lessons with uncle Samoinessienquin. We have to call him that, but I'll just write it as Samoin. Well, we can't actually fly, but uncle Samoin keeps trying- he says he won't stop till he succeeds! Mum's very worried about him, because he's bumping into lots of things while trying to fly.
"Wonna cuddle." Oh great. It's Moz. I'll have to shoo her out. See ya!
"What ya witing?"
"I'm not writing anything, Moz."
OK. She's gone. I've gone to bed and had flying lessons. LaLa is in giant trouble. And I don't mean giant trouble, I mean extremely GIANT trouble. Trouble bigger than Mt. Everest. I mean trouble worse than being drowned, boiled, frozen and suffocated at the same time. Mum's outraged, and LaLa's confined to the 'dungeons' while Mum thinks of a punishment for her. You know what she did? She showed uncle Samoin a game where she used slingshots and hit over bottles, then helped him build a giant one. Now he's off trying to slingshot himself into the air and fly! Eek! I can't believe she did that! I hear Mum hollering - she's right outside - I think I better move somewhere quieter. Oh no! LaLa's hollering now-now Dad is- now Moz woke up and is crying- is that grandma shouting for everyone to be quiet? She hasn't shouted for years! 15 years, to be exact! Yea, it's noisy, I'll write again when I get to Peaceful Forest. I'm going there this afternoon.
AdventureOne day, Roarsaener and his siter Mozainae of the Canvasatorn clan discover the danger arising again. MaNnIeS. The most pure... things, that have ever existed. Pure as in pure evil.