Chapter 4

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- Kenji -

As Friday grew nearer I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be, I was actually more excited.

I never really talked or hung out with Drake outside from the barn, so being able to get to know him and spend more time with him with out the interruption of having to clean up after horses will be pretty nice.

We have a lot in common when it comes to horses but I'd love to know more about him, despite the fact he's been working and living here for eight months I still barely know the guy that feeds my horse everyday.

Putting all those thoughts aside, I was still trying to figure out what to wear, even though he's just taking me out as friends I wanna make sure I look decent and not like I spend every day at a barn smelling like hay and horses, besides there may be some cute boys there though I doubt they would even turn to give me a second glance, but I am still enjoying the single life.

To an extent.

I still don't know exactly where we're going though, Drake says its more of a surprise but I hate surprises, I hate being so anxious about what it could be, but he wouldn't budge on telling me even after how many times I begged. Guess I'll just have to wait.


"You ready?" I looked up as I saw Drake smiling down at me.

"Yeah lets go." I got up from the couch and followed Drake to the door saying goodbye to my mom and leaving. It was finally Friday, I couldn't concentrate at all in class today and I was supper excited to find out where Drake was taking me.

We got into the car and headed down the drive way and into town. The whole drive there Drake had a smirk on his face not saying a word to me, only focusing on the road.

It wasn't long till we pulled into the parking lot of a diner. I remember coming here all the time as a kid, they made the best chocolate Milkshakes. He either asked my mom of a good place to take me or he just got lucky.

We sat at one of the booths and started talking about school, horses, and music, anything really that came to mind. I found out Drake was an honour student, apparently he got honour role every year during high school and got Ontario Scholars when he graduated and that he loves Emma Watson and is a big Harry Potter fanatic. I don't even need to ask who his favourite character was.

He sure loves to talk about himself, not once did he ask anything about me.

When our food came to the table I couldn't help but notice every time the brunette waitress came over Drake would check her out or tried to flirt with her. Though it didn't bother me, it started to get annoying after a while when he would ignore me for her and I sorta realized that with out horses in the picture me and Drake really have nothing to talk about. Needless to say he's pretty boring.

I like a guy with some attitude, who can be bossy, but also nice. Someone with a bad boy personality. Someone like ... Mathew.
Because he cared to get to know me. The real me.

No matter how hard I try to get him out of my head he sneaks his way back in. It makes me wonder if he ever cares to think about me, where ever he is. Or if he even cares at all.

"Hey Kenji?" I heard Drakes voice calling my name and I came back to reality, I didn't notice I spaced out just staring down at the table.

"Oh yeah sorry."

"You okay?" He questioned me, I knew he was only making small talk because the waitress was busy serving another table. Drake is still cute but how could I ever see myself falling for him. I thought I was starting to like him but he's to girl crazy and a bit to self obsessed if I might add.

"Yeah I'm good." I said with a simple response.

"You wanna head back soon?"

"Sure." I watched him check the time on his phone and ask for the check when the waitress walked by. I casually took a sip from my Iced Tea and waited till we left.

"So I know that wasn't the most glamorous of dinners but I hope you had and okay time." As we left the diner and headed to the car, of course not before Drake asked the Waitress Michelle for her number, we were getting ready to head back home.

"Yeah it was nice thanks." I replied honesty. It's not often someone offers to take me out to dinner for a little thing like a birthday so it was really generous of him.

Even though, some how, this is still a mystery to me, I managed to make Mathew fall for me, if Drake started to like me to, I would honestly shoot down another dinner date offer. He's just not my type.

When we arrived back home I noticed all the lights in the house were off. I walked up to the house while Drake followed behind me and I opened the door calling for my mom.


"Surprise!" The lights flickered on and I heard the voices of people yelling surprise to me. I was startled at first but a smile soon took over my face. Kira walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"I told you I had something planed for you."

"We're you in on this?" I looked over at Drake who had a smirk still plastered on his face.

"Oh no not at all." He said sarcastically and chuckled. I get it now. Drake asked me to dinner for my birthday to get me out of the house while everyone set up the real Surprise back home.

"You guys get me every time." I smiled and went over to give my mom a hug.

"Come on lets party birthday boy!" Samara shouted.

Music started blaring and everyone was dancing and talking and mingling around, it kinda reminded me back when my mom threw me the party after my first horse show.

At least this time I don't have to worry about anyone ruining it for me.

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