Chapter 16

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- Drake -

I don't care if I sounded like a dick. I did it for his sake, not mine.

But I didn't think this would happen.

I thought since Mathew came here, I figured him and Kenji had been friends, they had a fall out or some type of fight that ended their sed friendship and that's why he never wanted to talk to Matt, but when I found out they dated everything started to fall into place.

Kenji looked like he hated him, he wanted nothing to do with Mathew but Matt kept persisting on trying to talk to him. I was just trying to help Kenji, I knew when he kissed Matt it would just make things worse. I wasn't intending for this to happen though, just for Mathew to leave him alone. I thought that's what Kenji wanted. 

No ones heard from Kenji in a week.

When I told Kenji that Matt never came back for him he decided to find out himself and ask Matt, knowing Matt would tell him the story of being arrested it would make Kenji mad or so I thought and would tell Mathew to finally leave him alone, I didn't intend for Kenji to get in his car and take off.

I really stepped to far over the line this time ...

I don't even know why my intensions where so strong on keeping them apart, I just found the drama amusing and wanted to keep it going for as long as I could, I didn't realize or even think that I could have caused this much shit.

Larissa is beyond pissed with me, she said my job is on the line cause I made her son run off with out any clue to where he is. When we first realized he was gone I knew I had no other choice but to tell her what happened.

Mathew was about ready to beat my head in when I told them but Samara beat him to it, giving me a damn hard but well deserved slap in the face. If Larissa didn't tell her to lay off  I knew she probably would have kicked me in a place no man wants to be kicked.

Larissa and Mathew were out looking for him as much as they could, I had to stay behind with Samara to watch over the horses, I knew I wasn't trusted to be around him anymore.

It was just a stupid game. A pathetic way to amuse myself and it lead way to far.

After Kenji never came home after being gone for over six hours and he never picked up his phone, Larissa called the police, she called everyone.  The school, Her brother, even Kenji's best friend Kira but no ones seen him. 

You think that with the police, Larissa, Mathew and his friends and family looking for him he would have been found by now.

Maybe he doesn't want anyone to find him.

- Two days later -

I was sitting in the living room writing out a list for the supplies I need to get at the store, Samara and Larissa were in the kitchen making Dinner and Mathew, he was out at the barn. Since Kenji left he's spent more time there then anywhere else. Mainly with Kenji's horse, Shaymin.

Larissa is still giving me the silent treatment, she said the only reason she hasn't fired or kicked me out yet is since Kenji's absence the work around the barn is piling up, she can't leave Mathew do it all himself.

I've already started looking for new places to work, I know she will never give me a second chance after this.

Just as I was getting ready to head out on some errands there was a knock on the door.

I walked over and opened it to see a police officer standing on the front porch.  "Can I help you sir?"

"Yes, my name is Officer Lamson, Is Larissa Greene here? I came to talk to her about her missing son. Kenji."

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