Chapter 9

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- Mathew -

I opened the doors to the barn and flicked on the lights. I saw Shaymin in his stall his head popped up once the lights came on, hay sticking out from his mouth as he continued to eat. I walked up to him, sticking my arm threw the bars on his stall door and giving him a pat on the neck. Its been a while since I saw him. Been a while since I saw a lot of things here. A lots changed.

Especially Kenji.

Shaymin softly nickered at me and I smiled a little, well at least someone is glad to see me.

I pulled my arm out from his stall and went to the stairs that lead to the loft, why Larissa told me to come up here is beyond me.

Maybe she wanted to talk in private?

I walked up the wooden stairs as they creaked loudly under my feet, I reached a door, grabbed the handle and pushed it open.

When I walked in a saw a rickey old bed that looked like it would fall apart the minute I dropped my bag on to it. There was a wooden dresser, a window covered in cob webs and a desk in the corner of the room.

To be honest I'd prefer the prison cell.

I sat down on the bed, putting my head in my hands, sighing.

Do I honestly think I have a chance to get Kenji back? After everything I did I knew he wouldn't just come running back into my arms happy to see me but as stupid as it sounds thats what I wished would happen.

I have to show him Im sorry and that I made a mistake but I want to fix it. I want to fix everything. But how?

I suddenly heard the sound of someone clearing their throat to get my attention. I glanced up and saw Larissa standing by the door, I was so lost in thought I didn't even hear her come up.

"Sorry about Kenji, I guess he wasn't expecting to see you." She took a couple steps into the room but I didn't say anything. She knows the reason Kenji is so upset but she doesn't want to say it. She knows I knew why to.

"Whats with the new shit shoveler?" I asked sort of annoyed. Obviously I know his name is Drake but doesn't mean I give him any respect to use it. "And why am up here, let me guess I'm stuck living in the barn like some horse?"

She sighed and came to sit down beside me. "We hired Drake after you left, we needed the extra help around the barn." She explained, but again I said nothing. "When Drake came we let him have your room, any belongings you left behind I boxed away and put them in my closet so no one touched them."

"Right so I just get shoved in the barn with all the horse shit." First. I have to deal with Drake, second he takes my room and makes me live in the barn and third, he's obviously close with Kenji, how am I gonna break down those walls that surround them?

"Look I don't expect you and Drake to get along but for Kenji's sake-"

"I know." I said cutting her off. "And thank you." She's done a lot for me, I have no right to be mouthing off to her.

She placed a hand on my shoulder then got up. "Its late, why don't you rest a bit. Ill get your stuff for you tomorrow."

I nodded my head and she left me alone in my new room, closing the door behind her.

If Im honest I don't know what bugs me more. The fact that Drake took my room or that Im stuck in the barn while he sleeps in the room right next to Kenji.

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