Chapter 15

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Mikki's POV

While I'm talking to Zoey and Louise, Dan comes over and asks to see me in our room. I get up and follow him, he closes the door and look me dead in the eye.

"Michaela, I want to have a baby now. I mean I believe we are ready. " Dan says seriously. I kinda giggle at the thought.

"Dan, I love you very much but I'm only 23. I'm not ready to have kids yet. I have so much I wanna do before settling down. I want to travel and explore." I reply thoughtfully. I really wasn't ready at all. I can't handle having kid right now while battling my own demons.

"What do you mean you're not ready Mikki?! Do you even love me? If you did you would want the same thing I do! But it seems like we are not on the same page of our relationship." He says scoffing. I roll my eyes.

"You're being a over reactive little twat Daniel. So maybe you should just fucking listen to me when I say I'm not ready. Since I would have to be carrying a fetus inside me for over have a goddamn year of my life! And maybe have you ever thought I may not even want to have kids with you." I say instantly regretting it. In a flash I feel my head be knocked to the side with a hot burning sensation on my cheek and tears stinging in my eyes. He slapped me. The way I saw my biological dad hit my mum. No. This is not gonna be that way. I turn my head back towards him. Shock and realization at what he had done littered his face.

Before he can say anything a slap him back as hard at I could and I kneed him in the crouch. He fell to the floor in pain and I got my suitcase and packed at my stuff in it. Walking to the door I pass everyone starring at me. I go over to Louise and Zoey and ask them if they could make sure everyone got home and if I could stay at Louise's place. She said yes and I went outside and waited in her car with Darcy.

"What's that red spot on your face Mikki?" Darcy asks me with concern on her face.

"Nothing sweetie I'm fine I just got a bo-bo." I say trying not to cry in front of her. I can't believe that Dan actually hit me.....

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