Why/how is it over?

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It's over, why? It's over because I can't handle anything anymore, the drama, the sadness, the loss, guilt, blame, and life in general. I can't handle it anymore. How is it over? Two almost three years ago I started self harming; cutting myself, burning myself. Then I picked up smoking a year later, I hated myself, my looks, weight, and everything. I soon stopped cutting because the skin in the area that I was doing it in got so scarred over it wouldn't draw blood to the surface, unless I had the blade as sharpe as I could make it, and sliced my skin as hard as I could, it scarred and within the next year that I smoked through the pain I ignored the urge to cut, to burn. But now, I smoked for the first time in ages, because I met someone that made me happy, but now he's bored of me and I feel slightly used I feel the urge to cut, and start smoking a lot more, he'll I want to get high for my first time. Over someone? That's lame. I'm letting someone affect my life so greatly, maybe I shouldn't care. But I do. I loved him and I was led to believe that he loved me. So now that it's over it feel like I'm left as a shell of a person, I've lost my best friend, the person I love and trust the most. Over things that can mostly be fixed by talking to each other, he doesn't want to hear it. So I'm left alone and shell like. Fragile.

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