Prologue-When They Attacked

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Year of 997

"Just imagine it and you can make it seem real", that was the last thing my mother said to me before she disappeared two weeks ago. My mother is Hecate, the goddess of magic and well she could care less about me other than I carry on her tradition of learning magic. She left me on my fathers door step and by door step I mean entrance to one of the greatest castles in all of Eastern Europe. My Grandfather knowing that my father was young himself, told my father he was not to raise me, because apparently my father was too foolish.

I was sitting on my bed reading one of my mother's books on how to do magic. She gave me a 10 volume set and a crash-course in magic. Apparently as the goddess of magic she had the ability to control this thing called "the mist" and me being her daughter, I had the same ability. My mother also said I had to learn magic before I turned into a vampire on my eighteenth birthday. She said that if I didn't then I would have forever lose the power to learn magic. And in case you thing you miss heard I did say I would become a vampire.

When I decided to stop reading I walked over to the doors to my balcony. I took my key necklace off and opened the door. I walked outside to take in the fresh air and the beautiful sights of European country side. I thought I saw something off to my right but decided it was nothing. After awhile I looked to my right and saw smoke not to far off and saw dozens of dozens of what looked like people marching toward the castle. In about ten minutes it would be dusk and they would be even closer to the castle.

I ran down the hall to my Grandfathers study and ran through the door, I didn't even knock. I gathered myself and walked to his desk, my shoes tapping on the ground the entire way. As I approached the desk I noticed my Grandfather wasn't at the desk but instead my father was. "Daniella, What do you want?" my father asked. "Father, you are aware that a huge group of people are marching towards the castle, right?" I said. "WHAT!!" he replied. My father got up and rushed out of the study and into my room and then to the balcony.

"No, this is absolutely horrible" my father murmured and he was gone in the flash of an eye. I grabbed my mothers locket, hooked it around my neck and ran downstairs. A hand grabbed my arm and I was ushered into the throne room. There were guards running everywhere and the guy who grabbed my arm was standing beside me and he appeared to be guarding me. I spotted my Grandfather standing with my father and the general of the army. I was headed over to them, and looked out the window and saw them marching strait toward the castle. It would take them less than an half and hour to get here.

"Who's marching towards us" I asked the guard behind me. "This kingdoms biggest enemy" he replied. I looked at him with a questioning look, well we have a lot of enemies. He noticed my confusion and said "Werewolves". Okay, that's as bad as it could possibly get. I rushed over to my Grandfather. When I got there he pulled me into a hug and told me "My dear dear, Daniella, get a torch and escape though the underground tunnels, and remember no matter what happens me and your father, I love you. Now don't waste anything you need to go" he hugged me one last time and the guard pulled me away.

When we got to the tunnels my father was waiting there for us. He hugged me, told me he loved me, gave me a torch, and pushed me into the tunnel. I kept walking, and I didn't looking behind me until I couldn't see the light radiating from behind me. When I turned around I saw the guard right behind me. "What are you doing here" I asked him. "My job is to guard you until I should die" he said. "Fine, what's your name" I asked. "Alexander" he said.

"Come on we need to get as far down the tunnel as we can" he told me. I started walking down the tunnel. I should have known that my father would appoint me a guard. After all to him I was to fragile to be left alone, that is until I was I vampire. I walked until I noticed something on the wall, when I got closer I saw that it was some kind of writing. "What is it" I asked Alexander. "I am not sure, it looks like it could be some kind of old vampiric writing" he replied. I nodded my head in response and took off walking again.

I saw a light in the distance and took off running. I no running is un-princess like but I wanted to see what was going above the surface. When I was finally outside I still didn't stop running, instead I ran to the nearest cliff, which was a safe distance away from the castle. "My G-". The sight of the castle was absolutely devastating. There were flames everywhere but I wasn't worried about that because it looked like it was going to rain soon. I was worried about family though after all you could here screams from here. I turned around and walked into the forest.

I didn't care if Alexander followed me or not, I just kept walking. I have never hated anyone more in my life. What were those werewolves thinking attacking my kingdom. After that I don't know exactly how long I walked. I did promise myself I would have revenge on the entire werewolf race and that
I would return to see what is left of my kingdom when I am at full power.


I'm going to apologize in advance just in case what I'm about to say will make you hate me. I will update when I want too, and do not ask me to update, I am writing this story for myself and if you what to know what happens then you will wait until I update. Now again I'm sorry if I seem too harsh but I will update when I what to and if you message me telling me to update I won't update any faster. Now thank you for staying and reading this and I will
try to update as soon as possible.

~ A. Lynn ~

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