What did you say

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"Attention all passengers please buckle your seat belts and prepare for landing." said the flight attendant.

I did exactly like she said because if I didn't well who knows. But if the plane crashes it would be pretty suspicious if the only person, not wearing a seat belt would be the only one to live. Considering I could smell that all the people on the plane were human.

1 hour later

I walked into my hotel room, tossed my bag on the floor, and jumped onto the bed. After half a day of travel I should be tried and I am, but mentally not physically.

My mind has been thinking about everything from is someone going to recognize me, as unlikely as that is, to what if someone kills me. I mean you never know, a werewolf might since your a vampire and just, stab you with a knife in your back.

I got up and checked the time 1:27 seriously, i got here at 1:00. I grabbed my purse and walked out of my room. Since I was only on the second floor I took the stairs.

I walked outside and got on a bus, to "take me home" or at least my " old home".  The bus ride was about 30 minutes long.

I walked out of the bus taking a deep breath as I walked. I looked up, and what do you know, the castle was still intact and look just like I remember,
but with a few burn marks.

Suddenly the memories about my grandfather and father and everything that happened that night come flooding back to me. I don't know how long I stood there but I snapped out of it when someone bumped into me.

No I'm sorry what a "gentleman", I thought.

To avoid getting hit again I walked forward. I stopped walking about 20 feet away from the castle. I took a moment to admire the detail of the castle.

I was vaguely away of the person next to me when he started talking.

"This is so upsetting, I can't believe a thousand years ago this castle was at its prime. If it hadn't been for my father and brother I would have ruled this kingdom, and it would have never fallen into the hands of, of those beast!! But alas I was banned from being King, even though my brother was more childish, than me, he got a girl pregnant when he was 16, 16. And I didn't get rule. But I do wonder the fate of that poor girl, my niece, and I do deeply hope that girl made it out of the castle alive, but that is unlikely because she hasn't claimed the throne yet. Oh, if she hasn't claimed throne what's stopping me, well I probably wouldn't be able to over throw the werewolf prince whose been ruling all the vampires seen that day a very, very long time ago." the man said apparently thinking he wasn't taking out loud.

Uncle Jacob OMG, that was uncle Jacob, ok I have to play this cool or he'll know who am, well maybe, I only look like my father, I don't act like him at all.  I took I deep breath.

"Are you some kind of actor because there's no such thing as vampires and werewolves" I said

"Uh, oh, did I say that all aloud" Uncle Jacob said

"Yeah, how'd you get a job with the castle organization" I said

"I don't have a job with the castle organization, young lady, you just don't forget the downfall of your kingdom" he said.

"But, according to you, you never got to rule that was your brother and fathers job" I said

"I...I...I, it's not polite to east-drop young lady" he said with an obvious confused look on his face.

"Well, I'm sorry, for my in-politeness" I said

He squinted his eyes, and they started to turn yellow. Uncle Jacob was going to try to erase my memory, but that was impossible. Crap, if it's impossible then he'd find out I was a vampire, and, that would just be plain bad. So, in return I tried to erase his memories too, because that would make my eyes turn yellow as well and it would appear, that I was human. And that he was successful in erasing my memory.

I saw his yellow eyes start to dim and turn back to their original color, hazel. He smirked and walked away, to the doors of the castle.

Wow that really just happened. Wait, so Uncle Jacob is planning to try to take over the vampire kingdom. But he said it himself he couldn't do that without an army. That would be easy the vampire kingdom would stand behind him, even though he wasn't the rightful leader, the other vampires wouldn't care because the werewolf prince is commanding them.

I remember exactly why Uncle Jacob was forbidden from rule, he was to controlling and if he were to rule it would bring down the entire kingdom, and lead to many wars, because he was selfish too. 

Wait but if he's planning how can I stop him. Oh, well, I guess there's only one way. I would have to come forward  as the princess.

Hey guys well I know in the last update I said this book would be put on hold, now it still could but not as long as my cousin wants me to keep updating. But If you have any time you should go follow her AshleyYost . She's really awesome but she just recently made her Wattpad account so she doesn't have much yet. But you really should just go check her out.

I would understand if this chapter was confusing so if you have any questions leave it in the comments!

The song above is my knew favorite song Lost Boy by Ruth B.

Also if you have any constrictive criticism please leave it in the comments too and if you have any suggestions do the same!

A. Lynn

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