The Flyer

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Year of 2015

   I saw him coming at my with a knife in his hand. My instincts kicked in but it was no use. He was right behind me. He tackled me gave a evil smile and stabbed me in my heart.... I woke up drenched in sweat. The same nightmare keeps haunting me, its mostly about my childhood, well with a twist, it's about when the Werewolves attack my castle. Everyday for the past 1000 years I when go to sleep I have some version of that the nightmare will go away, but it hasn't. But then again I might over exaggerate, its probably more like three times a week.

I threw the blanket over the side of my bed and when into the bathroom. I brushed out my hair, got my tooth brush ready, I use crest toothpaste, and got into the shower....

15 minutes later

I got out of the shower and walked over to my closet and put on skinny jeans with a red tank top and a denim jacket over it. I walked back into the bathroom and dried and brushed out my hair yet again for the thousandth time in my life. I walked back out into my room and went to my dresser where I put on my gold chained necklace with a ruby, on.

I walked into my living room, grabbed my purse and walked out the door. While on my street I turned around and looked at my apartment, if you want to call it that. It looks like a run down warehouse, but it is everything but. It actually has the looks of a multi-million dollar condo from the outside, but that's only if you can see through the mist. And trust me even if you can see through the mist good luck spotting my house, If I haven't said this before my mother's Hecate goddess of magic so my magic is more powerful than others.

In about a week I will be traveling back to Romania to see my family's castle, that was practicably destroyed, when that rouge pack of werewolves stormed my castle and caused everything I knew to die and burn. Well I'm hoping not everything. So before I go I'm going to the local library to see if what information they got wrong or I didn't know. And it's unlikely that I won't know something, about my own country.

Just so you know Romania has no humans living there whatsoever. It's just a bunch of faeries, werewolves, and vampires and other mythical creatures. And the amazing thing is that most of the time there are not problems with the other clans or packs, and I stress most of the time. Most people think of Romania as a dark deary place full of ghost and supernatural things. They get supernatural world right be Romania is mostly everything but a dark place. It has snow-capped mountains, beautiful green fields, and towns full of life, or at least it did it 996.

At the Library

When I got to the Mid-Manhattan Library, in New York if you were wondering, I walked right passed the security guard and to the World History Section. While I was looking for books on Romania the creepy librarian came out nowhere. Whatever you think when the word librarian comes into your head is exactly how she looked.

"What are you looking for?" she asked

"Nothing much" I mumbled

"Look you little brat, if your here cause trouble you might as well get out now" she practically yelled, well whatever yelling sounds like when your trying to be quiet.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm simply looking for books on Romania" I replied

"Oh, well I've got something exciting for you, how would you like to go to Romania instead of reading about it" she said.

"Um, well I plan to do that, I have a trip planned there for next week"

"Oh, well that's amazing, here come with me"

I followed her to the front desk were she handed me a flyer.

"Oh, and may I suggest learning Romanian before you go, the language section is over there" she said

I  minutely laughed, I didn't need to learn Romanian, I already knew it. But most of the people spoke English when I lived there, since most everyone were immigrants from Great Britain. 

I ducked behind a bookcase and back into the World History section. I took a closer look at the flyer, if it had been heavier I would have dropped it. It was a picture of my castle, my castle with a caption below saying, Come and see this 1000+ year amazing castle. The back of the flyer was filed with tour dates and one of them just happened to be next Saturday. So that means I could explore and not look suspicious, that's great, and now I don't have to break in, so that's even better.

I carefully sunk out of the library and uses my vampire speed to get back to my house.

Hello to everyone that is still reading this book, I'm sorry for the terrible chapter but I haven't updating in over a month so this was thrown together for all of you who are reading this. Thank you for staying with with me for chapter 1. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments.

Also this book may be put on hold do to writers block and school work.


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