Spy Academy - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two 

I awake to the sun shining on me and I drag my blanket over my face, attempting to sleep just a little longer. Maria, my maid, is putting a tray of breakfast on the bedside table. The delightful smell of croissants and hot chocolate enter my nose as I breath in deeply with content. Maria has been around since I was born. She is a warm Italian lady and is one of the few most important and closest people to me. 

"Ah, darling you awake." She says in her Italian accent, still not quite used to English grammar despite all these years.

"Morning Maria!" I say merrily, grabbing the fruit and croissants from the tray. 

"Morning Eliza, you enjoy darling. I'm going to miss you when you gone!" She smiles at me, reminding me that the bus was coming in half an hour. 

The school is so renowned that it has it's own private first class busses that pick up their students at the start of each year. 

"Oh my god!" I panic jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. 

"What's wrong Miss Eliza?" Maria hurries over to me, a confused and worried look on her face. 

"The bus is coming in half an hour Maria!" I half yell, turning the bath tap on. 

My bath is huge; it would probably fit eleven or more people. 

"Do not worry Miss Eliza, you bathe and get ready and I will get the chauffer to get the limo ready instead." Maria smiles quickly whilst slipping out of the bathroom. 

"Thanks Maria!" I call after her and take off my clothes.  

I slip into the bath and sigh as the steam relaxes my muscles. I hurry up and finish my bath knowing that my chauffer, Sam, would be waiting for me. 

I get dressed in a light denim skirt and a green top and slip on some knee high black boots. 

"Sean!" I scream at the top of my lungs. 

My brother's room is on the floor below so I need to yell if I want any chance of my voice reaching him. My house is a mansion; spiralling grand stairs that lead to seven floors and glass ornaments everywhere. 

"What do you want Liz?" Sean asks standing at my doorway. 

His identical blonde hair is flopped over his face and he is wearing jeans, a grey top and a hoodie. Despite being unwilling to acknowledge my brother's charm, I will admit that he dresses fairly well for a boy his age.

"Great, you're ready." I say as I grab my suitcase from where I left it the night before, "Sam is waiting in the limo outside so I'll meet you there, ok?" 

"Yep," he answers flippantly before leaving the room. 

Alex, one of my helpers, sweeps into the room and grabs my suitcase off of me "I will take this to the limo Miss Eliza." 

I smile at him and then briskly walk to my bathroom, admiring it one last time as I brush my teeth. Grabbing my purse, I swipe lip balm onto my lips and hurry down the several flights of stairs between me and my ride to the rest of my school life. 

I run out the grand door of my mansion and smile as Sam opens the limo door for me. I get in and am seated next to my two body guards Dimitri and Nile. 

"Elizabeth." They nod at me before turning back to stare at the seat in front of them. 

I sigh; the body guards are always so serious. 

Ten minutes later

We reach the gates of the grand boarding school and I hang my head gloomily. The school is huge and modern, just like I thought. 

Sam gets out of the limo and opens the door for us. Sean eagerly exits the limo, and I watch humorously as girls eyes widen. He turns around and smiles at me knowingly. My brother, whilst fully capable of being a player, has always enjoyed his popularity from a distance, never getting involved with many girls. I get out second and try to walk confidently next to my brother, glad that my jumper and sunglasses hide some of me from prying eyes. 

I've never gotten used to the hundreds of eyes that have always watched me since birth, drinking in my families wealth wherever we go. I guess anyone would stare at a five-year-old being trailed by an army of guards. 

Having being watched my whole life, it's peaceful to be ignored. 

"The second one's a girl," I hear a boy whisper to someone on my left "too bad she doesn't seem to have the same looks as the boy."

I hide my smile; this is the reaction I was hoping for. 

Whilst the girls continue their attempts at gaining Sean's attention, the boys eyes wander off as they go back to talking to one another. 

"Liz," Sean whispers down at me with amusement shimmering in his eyes, "you should take your jumper and sunnies off, they think you look like a guy." 

My family's looks have been cited as 'angelic'. A concept which has only made the staring worse my entire life. My brother understands my frustration, but he is always trying to make me accept who I am. I'd like to be as easy going and comfortable in myself as Sean is.

"Uh-uh. No way," I shake my head at him and turn to look at the school. 

"They'll see what you really look like eventually Eliza." He continues, a smug look on his face.

"Not if I can help it!" I laugh, turning away from him and walking into the crowd. 

"It's a bet Liz-Loz!" He yells out to me, using my childhood nickname. 

"You bet dear brother, you bet!" I laugh out loud. 

"If only she looked as good as her voice sounds like," Somebody sighed from the crowd. 

I laugh a bit more and enter the school, leaving everybody there staring after me.

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