Chapter 5

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"Watch where you're going next time," Nico threatened, narrowing his hallow eyes at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

The emo boy got up and walked away, without even a second glance. I scrambled up too and came face to face with Leo.

"What was that about?" He asked kindly.

"Nothing, I just wasn't watching where I was going."

"Huh, I never thought I'd see old death boy fall over. You know, he's kind of an outsider at camp; as everyone is kind of scared of his dad and all. But he is one of the best swordsmans here... Well, other than Percy of course."

"Wait, death boy?" I questioned.

"Yeah, di Angelo is a son of Hades," Leo explained. "Come on, dinner will be over by the time we get there!"

As I had now been claimed, I had to sit on the Zeus table. There was only one other person on that table, and that was Jason Grace. He unnerved me, as I didn't know anything about him, but he seemed different than all the other campers here. Like he didn't belong, but not in the same was as me, Leo or Nico.

"Hey sis!" He greated, grinning at me.


A slice of BBQ meat, grapes and bread appeared on my plate. I stood and walked to the brazier, whispering "for Zeus, thanks" under my breath as I scraped a good portion of meat, grapes and bread into the flames. They were engulfed and a lovely smell of fresh food was carried up in the smoke.

"I get to welcome you to our cabin after dinner! Plenty of space, a creepy statue of dad and a few dark corners at the back. There's only one bed in there at the minute, but don't worry we'll get one put up asap."

I thanked him and started stuffing my face with food. I had missed grabbing something to eat at lunch, so I was very hungry. The first night I had eaten here, I hadn't looked around at my surroundings much. Tonight I did, and I saw several tables that were either empty or only had one or two people on it. After asking Jason, I found out that Percy was the only son of Poseidon, Nico was the only son of Hades and me and Jason were the only children of Zeus.

"Well, there is one other daughter of Zeus... She's my full sister, as in we have the same mum and dad. Her name's Thalia Grace, and she's a hunter of Artemis."

"What's a hunter of Artemis?" I asked.

"It's a group of girls that pledge themselves to Artemis, agreeing to abandon any men and to follow her and hunt with her. They mainly use bows and arrows, and when they become a hunter, they become immortal. Well, they can still die, but they don't grow old," Jason explained.


After dinner, Jason helped me move into our cabin. Whilst I gathered my stuff from Hermes's cabin he ran to the big house to ask for a bed, and when I got to Zeus's cabin it was already there. The cabin was exactly what Jason had said it was. On the inside, it was huge and almost bare. Straight ahead, to the back of the cabin, was a huge statue of our dad. All around the room were alcoves filled with stone eagles, and one door on the right led to a small bathroom. There was barely anywhere you could stand without feeling the statue's eyes on you, but there was a strip of darkness behind the statue that was away from Zeus's eyes.

The corner on the left and right in the blind spots had beds in them, and a few things were neatly piled next to them such as a chest of drawers and a bedside table each. It was clear that Jason slept in the corner on the left, so I made my way over to the bed on the right. It would be weird sleeping opposite a boy who was supposedly my brother -- well, for the time being.

"The campfire should be starting about now," Jason said whilst looking at his watch. "Wanna come?"

"No thanks, I think I'm going to stay here tonight. You have fun though!"

And then I was left alone. I started putting my things in the drawers at once. Someone had kept the clothes I had been wearing in the maze, and I held them in my arms now, thinking once again about Newt. I didn't even know tears were flowing down my cheeks until there was a knock on the door and I hastily wiped them away.

Getting up to see who it was, I carefully hid the clothes in the bottom of the chest of drawers. I opened the cabin door and looked around. No one was there. I was just about to shut the door when I spotted something wrapped in paper on the floor. As I picked it up and went back to sit on my bed, my eyes didn't notice the dark eyes that were watching me from the shelter of a nearby tree.

My shaking hands eagerly tore away the brown paper, trying to reach whatever lay inside. Once it was open I was flooded first with surprise, then happiness, then confusion. Laying in my lap was a copy of William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and a beautiful leather notebook. The gifts were so thoughtful, and I found comfort just holding the books. I had already read Twelfth Night, but I was happy to read it again. After getting ready for bed, I snuggled down under the covers and opened the book to the first chapter.

I was starting to get tired of this healthy food by the third day. My stomach craved some greasy takeout food, some chocolate, some cakes. Even Frypan's food would have been a better substitute to all of this fresh bread, fruit and BBQ meat. Was that all that was ever served?

"Rachel is coming into camp this morning, I'm sure she'll be excited to meet you."

I looked up to see Jason eating the same food as me. I never heard him come in last night, but he'd already told me that the campfire was fun and I should go one night. Also, apparently Leo had asked about me and wondered where I was. I hadn't responded to that.

"Who's Rachel?"

"She's the camp oracle. She says prophecies and stuff. Ever heard of the oracle of Delphi? Well yeah, Rachel sort of has her gift. The only thing is, is that we never know if her prophecies will happen tomorrow or in twenty years, and they are usually misleading."

My head snapped up. "Prophecies? As in things that can tell of the future and foretell things?"

"Yup, that is the general definition," Jason replied. "Come on, you don't want to be late for you first sword fighting lesson, do you?"

I stood up and followed Jason to the arena, but my mind was still on other things. Rachel Dare told prophecies? Maybe she could help me to understand mine. And maybe... Maybe she could even stop it.

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