Chapter 11

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As soon as my foot left the safety of the house, I knew I was in trouble. The ground shook as I was hurtled to the side, crashing into a nearby fence and probably breaking my arm. Something cold and wet ran down my face, as my eyes scanned the area for my attacker; but I saw no one.

Everyone else was fine. Turns out, when they had seen me being thrown around they had managed to run back inside. I was glad they were okay and safe, but a little back up would have been nice.

I heard a snort and my head snapped in that direction. Coming out from around the house was a giant beast.

Smoke flowed out of it's bronze nostrils, which curled inwards whilst it tossed it's head and stomped it's hooves. This was one of the monsters I remembered from one of my lessons: a Colchis Bull. There was some other information about it that was at the back of my brain, I itched to grasp it.

The thought solidified when I had to jump to the side to avoid being burnt. The bull breathed fire. Black spots threatened my vision, and my body swayed worryingly.

The bull crouched down, a move I recognized from TV as preparation to charge. In those few seconds, I had managed to pull out my sword and get into a good stance. As the bull charged, I ran towards it too. A huge gust of wind propelled me forward, allowing me to flip over it's steaming head at the last minute, and thrust my sword downwards.

Golden liquid flowed out of the rip in the metal, but it harmed the bull in no way. If anything, the beast only seemed to get angrier. By this time, pain and nausea were making me feel the need to pass out. My hearing and sight were already fading, so I didn't hear anything as another shape joined me and a burning light seared my eyes. Once it had faded, so did everything else.

The first thing I noticed was the pain in my head. It was like the worst headache ever, except it didn't feel all internal. The second thing I noticed were voices stabbing into my head.

"I thought that bull was one of Hephaestus's creatures," Leo muttered glumly.

"Yeah? Well I'll make sure to thank your daddy whenever I see him next," Nico growled. He sounded further away from me, as if he were keeping his distance from either myself or Leo.

"Oh right, as if your dad has never done anything to hurt anyone! Besides, you must be forgetting that Aphrodite is Hephaestus's wife. He was probably only trying to protect her! Think of what you would do if someone you loved were in possible danger."

"You think I don't know the feeling?" Even with my eyes closed, I could sense the guilty expression on Leo's face. "At least I won't ever have to do what the gods do: put others in danger because of their own selfishness. Unlike you, there's no one left to blind me like that. Don't think I don't see the look in your eyes."

There was the sound of a slam, and I felt the ground vibrate with the force. I wasn't sure if I should open my eyes or not, but the sound of cursing decided it for me.

Leo was standing with his back to me, his hair ruffled and his palm against the wooden wall. We were back in our cabin, and I was laying on the floor in front of the fire. Waking up like this only brought back painful memories.

I watched as my friend pulled back his calloused fist and slammed it into the wall, causing the cabin to shake once again.

"Leo! Stop it!" I gasped, shooting up into a sitting position and almost passing out again.

Leo spun around, cradling his bloody fist against his chest. He hurried over to me. "Woah woah woah, easy now. Not too quickly..."

He placed one arm around my shoulder and sat next to me, allowing me to lean my exhausted body against his. Only then did I realize the bandage wrapped around my forehead, and a cast holding up my left arm.

"You saved me."

He nodded. "Nico tried to stop me, the monster. I got out of his grasp just as you were about to pass out, and I used my, er, fire abilities to melt the bull."

"Thank you," I murmured. "And don't blame yourself for what happened."

"I do, but I also hope that somehow, someday, I could earn my forgiveness."

His hand found it's way to my face, sliding up my cheek and pushing stray hair behind my ear. Then, I felt his lips connect with my skin, as he placed a kiss on to my scalp.

"I'm glad you're here, repair boy," the words had barely escaped my mouth before my eyelids became heavy and sleep claimed me again.

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