Chapter 22

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I woke up.

Throughout my "sleep", the pain in my body hadn't lessened. However, I was now able to move my body and, more importantly, stand.

When I did, I inwardly groaned. As far as my eyes could see was blankness. It reminded me of what I had heard of heaven, completely white, never-ending, unreal. Although one difference was that I had never heard of heaven being so lonely.

I had been in this space a few times before. The last time I was here, it was after I had died in the maze, after being stabbed by a Griever. So it wasn't at all surprising when I arrived here again after being killed for the second time.

My mind thought back on how it had happened. I remembered my body falling through the air, before finally crashing into the hard ground. Every single bone in my body had broken, which was exactly what I had predicted would happen. One good thing had come out of it, though. Nico had lived, and I had been able to say my goodbye.

I rose to my feet, knowing how this worked. My eyes blindly led me to where I hoped the doors would be. Where my next future lay waiting.

This time, it didn't take me as long to reach them. Out of my peripheral vision, I spotted a flash of colour and knew I had arrived. The area looked exactly how it had when I was last here. Empty, except for four doors with seemingly nothing behind them.

The one on the left was covered in seashells and seaweed, and it had belonged to the world of Camp Half-Blood. Then, there was a doorway that was completely black and, along with the one next to it (which was made out of an old type of brick, like the type churches were made out of), were unknown to me. Finally, the one on the right was made out of a mossy stone, and belonged to the glade. To Newt.

I didn't bother trying to go towards either of the doorways I had already been to. Last time, I had been told that I would never be able to go back through them for a second time, and I didn't want to experience the same dissapointment.

I sat on the floor, a fair distance away from the doors, and waited. My body fidgeted nervously, constantly feeling as if someone was watching me. But of course, they were.

"Well well well, look who's back!" The silky male voice echoed around me, succeeding in sounding as if it was everywhere and nowhere all at the same time.

"Unfortunately. I can't seem to say that I find pleasure in being back here."

"Oh, but you just did," he laughed.

"Enough with the chitchat, I've become unfond of socializing with my enemies before they send me to my death," I accused harshly.

"Libellus, you break my heart," the voice said with sarcasm. "You know how this works. Follow the prophecy, pick either of the two doors you have not yet been through, die and you end up back here where we can have another "chichat"."

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you show yourself? Unless you're too afraid."

"I don't have to do anything, and I don't have to prove anything. If I wanted to show myself, I would. Although I will give you a piecofof advise... I'm the one who decides what happens to you, so maybe you should think before you speak!"

Silence washed over us, and I sat like a statue on the ground. Someone decides what happens with me? What does that mean? Do they decide whether I get to go home or not?

"Before you ask that last question, you should have a little think. Libellus, what is your home?" The voice paused. "I look forward to hearing your answer the next time we meet. But for now, I must ask you to leave."

I was confused for a moment, before I realized the voice controlled me and therefore could probably read my thoughts as well.

My brain was craving something familiar, something that reminded me of happier times. I think it was this thought that urged me to choose the church-like door, as it resembled the glade. The sound of crying that I had heard before I died was now in my ears again, causing my mood to plummet even more. Taking a deep breath, I took one last step before I was through the doorway and traveling into darkness again.

To be continued.

A/N taadaa, this story is completed! Look out for the third book in this series:
The Real World || Harry Potter Fanfiction
These names of the stories may be a bit misleading, as the next story isn't going to be a fanfiction about Libellus and Harry, but is a fanfiction of Libellus going into the Harry Potter books. I just wanted to clear that up before I started the next book.
Bye, hopefully I'll have the next book up soon.

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