The Story Of My Life(fiction)

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"Wake Up you stupid piece of crap! " I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked around at the destruction of myroom. Last night was not fun. WE were supposed to go to a movie but Lizzy wanted to go to the store and get some candy. But momma said no. Lizzy kept saying" i ant to go to the store, now! Lets go. It closes soon Come on momma!!!" But moomma slapped her and screamed" Why were you kids born. I wanted a husband and that's all. You weren't supposed to happen. you are scumbags and i wish you were dead!" LIzzy kept screaming and i kept gesturing for her to stop. Momma was so harsh. She would never give us lunch because she said we were getting too fat for her liking. But we weren't at all. Lizzy was a perfect 60 pounds for her 9 yr old figure. she hadn't even started getting curves yet. I was 13 years old and I was an amazingly fit and athletic girl.I did track and softball when I was still in school and mooma pulled us out for "family reasons" and decided to attempt to homeschool us. Although everytime we would get an answer wrong she would beat us or spank us. She said that "yall aint too big too spank" and would slap us when we would answer a question without requesting her permission to spak. I have lived this way for 3 years and i still am terrified of her. But this morning when I went downstairs, momma wasn't at the table. "momma are you ok.where are you?" i ran throughout the house, careful to be quiet because Lizzy was still asleep. we shared a room because momma didnt think we deserved our own rooms and just put two small cots, a couple pictures of daddy, a desk, and a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. So I went down the hallways until i reached the washroom.I took a hot shower and hummed an Ed Sheeran song while I got dressed. I went to the kitchen totally forgetting about momma. I opened the refridgerator and got out some eggs, bread, strawberries, milk and grapes. Then I went to the cupboard and got some cups and plates, spoons, forks and a spatula. I made fried eggs and toast. and set the table for Lizzy, momma and I. I then remembered about momma. I looked  around until the last place I hadnt looked yet:Momma's room. We were not ever to go in there or momma said she'd hang us by our throats on the stair railings, way up high. But I decided to risk it.I went to her room and found her lying on the floor with a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey in her left hand.I knew I should call 911 but I knew that if I did she might come back from the hospital and keep hurting us. I couldn't let her ruin the rest of Lizzy's childhood. Her memories are full of the hitting and screaming and crying in pain. She doesn't need to have that happen more than it has. So I decided to call the police. I told them all about momma and what she had done to us. And how she was lying on the floor. I asked if they would take us into custody.They said they would send an ambulance and a police car over. I thanked the man for his help and hung up. I went to our room and shook Lizzy a little bit. "Wake up ,my love. It's time to wake up, sweetie. I have breakfast waiting"I said. She turned her around and asked,"Momma ,is that you?" I felt hot tears streaming down my fear and sadness stricken face. I said, "No, honey, it's me Melissa Anne. Come on I'll help you up." She slowly sat up and i picked out a nice outfit for her to wear. It was actually the only other outfit I had other than the one I was wearing. It was a pale rainbow flowy skirt and a silk red top to match. I told her about breakfast and how we were going on a ride soon. You see, Lizzy is mentally challenged. She has trouble with certain things. But she is an amzing girl all the same. she does gymnastics during the summers when we have time and she is awesome at it. we ate breakfast in silence and after a bout an hour I went back to momma's room. I picked her up and lay her on the bed. Then, I herad someone drive int othe driveway and I knew it was the ambulance and car. They came in and took us into custody. They loaded momma up into the ambulance and so began our new life!

hope you guys enjoyed this story. dont worry its niot real but ill do a second part if you would like me too. Have a great summer loveeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuu!!!!! i spent like an hour or more on this and it was a fun experience ill do more later!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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