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A/N: I'm back my peoples😉 Enjoy the Epilogue😘Hope you like it. I love you all.

Here You Go


*Katie's POV* ~Three Years Later~

I sigh as I walk into McDonalds at 1 in the morning, lovely right? I'm hungry and lazy okay?

I walk up to the counter and order.

"Here you go" The lady hands me my food and I smile walking to a table.

I see a blonde boy, sitting alone at a table with his face in his phone.

"Mind if I sit?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Sure, why not" He mumbles.

I sit down across from him and take a sip of my Coke.

"How old are you?" I ask taking a bite of my burger.

"21" He says, not looking up and I nod.

We sit in silence as I finish my food.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"You just have so many questions don't yo-" He cuts himself off when he looks at me.

"Katie" He whispers.

"Niall" I mutter under my breath.

"I think I'm just gonna go" I say standing up but he grabs my arm.

"No Katie, please" He says and I look at him.

"What Niall?" I ask sitting back down.

"You can't just leave and not talk to someone for three years, Katie" He says.

"I ruined your relationship. I ruined everything. So I left" I say "No one needed me so I left"

"What do you mean no one needed you? Katie, I needed you!"

"You had Avery"

"She doesn't matter anymore" He says "Katie, I didn't need her, I needed you"

"We were best friends Niall" I say "I made your girlfriend break up with you! You should hate me!"

"But I don't. And I never will" He replies.

"Yes you will, Niall"

"I don't now and if I don't hate you after what you did then you should be pretty darn happy" He says.

I look up into his eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes.

"I left, because I needed to" I say quietly "I left because I didn't need to mess anything else up"

"You didn't mess anything up" He says "You made me realize that your not my best friend"

I look at him. I knew he hated me, but it hurts to hear him say that.

"Katie, I don't want us to be best friends" He says "I don't think of you as a best friend"

"I want there to be an us. We're Niall and Katie. We've been together ever since you won that contest" He smiles.

"I had the biggest crush on you. And I didn't even know why" He smiles to himself "I always wanted to be near you"

"And when you brought me Bridgette. I knew that I had to get over you, because you didn't want me. You wanted me to be with Bridgette" He says "When I found your notebook it proved that you were a Niall's girl not a Liam's girl. And I was with Bridgette"

"Why did you set me up with her when you liked me?" He asks.

"Because I did" I say.

"Give me the real reason"

"Because she liked you" I shout and am glad no one's in here.

"I backed down because she liked you" I say quieter.

"But I liked you" He says "At first I didn't like Bridgette. I only did it for you. Then I grew to like her"

"Then there was Avery. She was so beautiful, but she was so different from you. She had a different type of beauty. And it wasn't as good as yours" He says "You put everyone before you. You put everything before you. She only thought about me and her"

I look at him again. Since my eyes traveled to the floor. His eyes were still the beautiful ocean blue I love.

"I love you, Katie" He says "And I always will"

And with that, he pressed his lips to mine.

A/N: It only took two years. But I did it😉Love You Guys!!! Read my other books, thanks lovies


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