Chapter 13 : Anna is 1 and Harry is 20

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~Katie's POV~

Dear Diary

Sorry I havn't writen in a while. I've been buzy planning Anna and Harry's surprize party the boys and I decided that we would act like we had no idea their birthday was coming. Well gotta go.

Until next time katie

Liam-"Katie get down here"

"What do you want Liam"

"We need to put up decorations at the indoor pool"

"K I'm coming"

"Bye Harry you ok with taking care of Anna"

"Yea I'm sure what you guys doing anyway"

"We're going shopping"

"K bye guys"

"Bye Harry"

When I shut the door I said "few that was close"

"Your right that could have been bad"

Then I put my ear up to the door and harry said "they are totally buying me and you present" and then Anna said "yea"

She was so cute. I slipped into the drivers seat and said I'm driving.

Niall-"why do you get to drive0

"Because this is my car and I don't want it to be in the side of a mini van"


"Good leprechaun,Now let's get going before Harry decides to take Anna out and follow us. Everyone in the car"

(Everyone) "ok"

"Well actually some of you have to go with Liam. Niall get in the passenger seat now"

"Ok fine"

"Of my car"

His tounge shot out of his mouth I did the same and he sat next to me. I turned around and Bridgette, Britney, and Tommy.

"I thought Loui wanted to sit back there"

Britney said "I'm his girlfriend he does anything I want him to"

"Well ok" I chuckle.

Niall-"Finally we're here it's been an hour"

Everyone-"It's been 5 minutes"

Niall-"I'm still hungry"

"Your always hungry you doofus" I say.

Niall-"hmpf I'm not a doofus"

"Ok guys let's go in"

~Harry's POV ~

I texted Loui cause I knew he couldn't lie.

hi loui

hi harry

what you shopping for Lou


anything else


that all


you sure

Yep I'm sure

alrighty then loui I'll just meet you at the mall.

k bye

bye Loui.

~Louis's POV~

"Oh my god"

Niall asked "what is it Lou."

"Harry is going to the mall to meet us."

Katie-"He can't we're not there, wait I have an idea all of you go to the mall except me, Niall, and Liam we'll stay here and fix everything"

"Ok that's a good idea. See ya"

"Bye Loui"

Niall-"why do I have to stay"

Katie-"because I don't want you to take advantage of Loui's kindness and make him let you drive".

Niall-"ok Ms. BossyPants"

Katie-"What did you say"


"That's what I thought. Lou stop eavesdropping. "

"Fine I'll stop"

"good, bye lou"

"bye guys"

When we got to the mall we all ran to the food court cause that's where Harry was meeting us. we sat down and waited for him to arrive. We all decided to take turns hanging out with Harry so we could buy him presents. When he got here we did our plan.

I got a text from Katie as we walked down the hall.

it said the party is ready did you get presents.

I said yes.

She said omg I forgot today was their b-day tell Harry I want all of you to go swimmig you guys will go in first and I will text Harry that his and Anna's food is ready, I also invited his family they are here and we are hiding. Ok Katie be there soon. bye bye. bye

I told everyone we all were to meet Katie, Liam, and Niall they said ok and we were off I told Harry to wait until his food was ready to come in he said ok.

~Katie's POV~

When Louis and everyone else walked in I yelled hide. They hid then I texted Harry to come in then put my phone on vibrate. When he came in we yelled surprize. They were so surprized it was like they didn't know it was their birthday.


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