Chapter 6 : hit

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~Bridgettes POV~

When I woke up we were at a red light niall said we've been there for over five minutes. when it turned green we started driving I looked to the right then the left and on my left was a car that sped past the red light. I yelled


he looked then tried to pull in a parking lot it was too late we were hit.


When I woke up everything was white ceiling, walls, everything.

I said hello anyone here, them all of a sudden Morgan bursted in and said "Bridgette your up"

"yeah how long have I been out?"

"only two days"

" oh is niall up?"

"no not yet"


~katie's POV~

Dear Diary

I heard Bridgette is up, but Niall isn't. I really hope he is ok.

I miss him so much. He's no longer my little leperchaun he's now my big bro that's why he's so important. Next month is the talent show me and Niall are (supposed) to sing together. I hope he'll be up and ready well gotta go just pulled in the hospital's driveway.

until next time katie

right when I finished my phone buzzed it was liam wondering where I was at 8 in the morning. I told him I was visiting niall and bridgette he said ok.

I walked into the hospital and told the lady I was here to see Niall Horan and Bridgette Cook. She asked me how I knew them and stuff like that. So after all that I walked up the stairs looking for Niall's room. I decided to visit him first when I found it I opened the door and walked in I asked the nurse how he was doing. She said he had fallen into a coma that wouldn't last long. I said ok.

then I walked over and scootched a chair closer to his bed. When the nurse left I looked don at Niall he looked lifeless and pale. I said to him niall I miss you so much, now I realize that when One Direction became a band all I wanted was to be your princess now I just want to be your little sis that you never had. I love you ni. I don't think I can do the talent show without you. well I gotta visit Bridgette now then I saw his nose twitch and I sat back down and squeezed his hand he squeezed back then I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said I'll be back soon then I wen't to see Bridgette she was up and ready to hear about niall I told her that he had fell inti a coma but it shouldn't last to long then I said but I saw his nose twitch and he squeezed my hand. she said yay progress and after that I went home.

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