Chapter 19: Love is Tough

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* Katie's POV *

" You don't remember me " He asked.

I shook my head.

" That's enough " The nurse said.

" Enough of what " He said.

" Hi Niall " I said.

" So you do remember " He said.

" How could I forget " I said.

Ni came over to hug me and I hugged back.

" So can I go " I said.

" Yep, you're all set " She said.

I stood up shooed Niall out of the room. Then I got dressed.

I threw on my pink blouse, jeans and green flats that I was wearing yesterday.

Ni came in and we walked to my car. Which Avery was sitting in. When Ni went over and kissed her it felt like a train went right through my heart. I didn't want to be but I was jealsous.

I really did like Ni. but I don't want him to know. Or anyone in particular. My best friend 'Britney' doesn't even know.

I would love to have him as a bf but that can't happen.

I slid into the backseat and buckled up. I watched them flirt around in the front of MY car. I was jealous. I missed having a boyfriend. Kissing, hugging, cuddling, everything.

I was lonely everyone had someone but me. So I moved out of the place I bought leaving it to the others. I now live with Bridgette, Tommy, and Anna.


We pulled into Bridgettes driveway with a stop at the end. I got out and took my keys from Niall. Furiosly walking into the house. I locked the door behind me knowing Bridgette was already here.

I fell onto the couch dramaticaly. Falling into a dreamy slumber.





I woke up in my bed. I looked at the clock. 12:47 a.m it read.

I closed my eyes again falling back asleep.

Two days later

I sat down on the couch at Niall's ( aka my old ) house. Avery wasn't home so we were watching movies. I looked over at him his crystal blue orbes, His messy blonde hair, his perfect pink lips. When he looked over at me.

He slowly lent in and pressed his lips to mine.

A/N : Sorry about the wait guys but ya know I've been really busy school starts on Tuesday. But ha cliffhanger. I love it!


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