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BAES 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼
Another one of my favorite bands is
Asking Alexandria


Jessica pov

I ran down the empty halls wiping the tears that were coming out of my eyes.

I was running a bit fast when I fell causing the other person to fall, looking up I saw five guys on the floor.

"Are you alright." Denis said

"Y-y-yeah, so-o-rry." I said getting up and was going to keep on walking when they all hugged me.

After a go 5  minutes they let me go.

"I'm James." A boy with short little hair.

"I'm Sam." the boy with his hair sting up

"Cameron." The boy with deep black hair

"Ben." The boy with the longest hair said

"Denis, we have art together right." He said

"Yeah, and Jessica."

"Guys she is the best artist I've ever seen in my life." Denis said

"I don't believe you." Ben said

I pulled out my sketch book and showed him.

"How don't I know you print these out."

We locked eyes, if eyes could kill Ben would be gone.

"Dare me." I said

"I dare you ." Ben said

The guys stepped back and let out a breathe.


(They are siting in the same order as the picture)

I was halfway done with my drawing of the boys. They sat across from me as I drew them. I hate when people think I'm lying, I have a talent and I plan to let people now I have it.


Ring ring

The bell rang and I blew the drawing to remove the earser pieces.

"Check it out." I said filling my book around.

They stayed silent and looked at Ben. His eyes had gone wide.

"Okay you won, your really go, better than Denis. Denis you suck." He said patting Denis shoulder

"Thanks man." Denis said cause me to laugh.

"Class." Cameron said as we all got up.

"History." I said

"Then let's go." James said

"You guys have that class."

"No, but we are going to walk you." Ben said. "So no one can hurt you." Sam said


Our walk to my class was filled with laughter.

Ring ring

"Fuck, I'm late." I said

"It's okay, your first time." Ben asked


"Don't stress." Cameron said

"What about you guys." I asked

They just laughed, "the guys that don't go to class but get worried when they aren't going to get to graduate."

"Basically." Denis said making me laugh.

I stood in front of my class and turned around. "Thank you for the walk and if anyone want to challenge me, call me."

"Number" they said


"Cool bye." They said.

I turned around and knock on the door. Ricky opened the door and looked at me with worried eyes. Walking in, everyone looked at me. Sitting in my seat.

"Ms. Olson, your late, I don't like late people please leave."

"But it's my first time." I said back to her

"I don't care. Out!"

I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I began walking down the hall when I spotted a familur group of boys.

"Look who it is." James said

"She kick me out."

"What a bitch!" Ben yelled.

"Want to come with us to go eat." Denis asked

"Sure." I said

They lead the way and Denis stayed next to me placing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me in.

Chris pov

"I don't care. Out!" Crowford yelled at Jessica

She got up and left. 2 minutes later I asked to use the bathroom.

I walked down the hall and heads laughter coming from in front of me.

I walked a little fast to see Ben, James, Sam, Cameron and Denis with his hand over.


I was about to say something when they walked out of school.


Trying to
Updated as much as possible

Ashley ☕️

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