Welcome to Westwood high

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Madelyn's POV
Only a few more hours  and i would be gone from this house .
I would go in a horrid place and I did not know what my future had in store for me.
I woke up and went to MacKenzie's room to wake her up but to my surprise , she was already ready and wide awake .
She was staring at the family photo in her room .
" Mackenzie , are you OK ? ", I asked.
" What do you think ?", she said.
The mood was extremely tense and I had no idea to cheer her up. 
Just then mum came to our room ,
" Girls , go get ready and have some breakfast quickly , because Mr Brentwood said he's coming in around 30 minutes ", Mum said.
She was clearly depressed but she didn't want to show it. 
I went for a shower and Mackenzie and I had a glass of milk .
With all this happening our appetite was not going really good .
Dad and mum both stared at us and spoke nothing .
"  Mum so will we get to come home in the holidays ? ", I  asked.

" I don't know , darling . But I hope so . Don't worry girls it will be okay , we are doing this for your own good so Mackenzie will be a better person when she grows up . ", dad said.
The next 15 minutes were really emotional ones , our family kept sobbing and remembering our family moments but then we were rudely interrupted by the door bell .
I opened the door and saw Mr Brentwood ,
" Good morning girls , cone on , I'm running late now ", Mr Brentwood was tapping his foot impatiently .
" Goodbye girls ", mum and dad said in unison   .
We all had a family hug and emotional breakdown .
We grabbed  our suitcases but Mr Brentwood stopped us .
" Just calm down there girls , you will get all your resources in Westwood , so leave these suitcases here ", he said.
We both went in his red Porsche .
He whistled throughout the whole car ride  , ignoring us completely. 
He stopped the car in a stranded bush.
Mackenzie and I looked really confused .
Was this like a bush school or something ?
He gestured us to get out of the car .
We got out the car and followed Mr Brentwood , he went straight through the bushes , the bushes were quite unusual , it looked like the trees were about to devour me , it seemed like the branches had faces , like the ground had people on it .

Mr Brentwood stopped all of a sudden and scraped the brown soil on his forehead then he spoke some weird looking words ,
" Mroo jkoon sbiion lalapojal sippee rins ".
Mackenzie and I held hands .
Just then the whole bush scene changed , we were in a graveyard and 5 metres away there was a huge castle and when I say huge I mean it.  
It was around 1000000 metres high .
There was no sun , there was only darkness .
Lightning was constantly present and the castle looked really scary .
Mr Brentwood gave us this spooky look and said ,
" Welcome to Westwood High ".

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