Chapter Thirty: My Love

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"How was Ibiza?" Celeste asked curiously. I'm assuming she wanted to know all the gory details of our trip - I told her all of the good stuff. I didn't want her to know about the argument that Emilio and I had. It was pointless and we were both being stupid.

"It was great," I nodded. "Emilio's mother is fine. He and I had a great time together actually."

"I'm glad," Celeste nodded. "So have you talked to Dylan?"

"Yeah," I sighed. "It's complicated because Dylan and I have history. I mean I really did like him a long time ago and if he had told me a few years ago, then maybe things would have been different. But's it's too late now."

"Yeah," Celeste agreed. "It's sad that it took him this long to realize that he's in love with you. It took another guy to come in and swoop you away."

"Agreed," I replied. "But uh - his birthday is coming up and I was thinking about throwing him a party."

"I always wanted to throw a surprise party," Celeste squealed with joy. "Can I help?"

"I'm going to need the help," I nodded.

It was settled. I was throwing Dylan a surprise birthday party. I invited all of his friends, my friends, coworkers and Celeste invited a few people. I am one of Dylan's closest of friends so it was my job to throw this party. Plus I owed him for ignoring him for so long. God only knows what he was thinking when I didn't answer his calls. I wanted him to know that I wasn't mad at him.

The day of the party, Celeste and I were busy bees. We had to pick up the cake, the balloons, decorate my place, pay the caterers - I was running around like a busy bee. Emilio didn't help at all. He claims he was busy but I couldn't help but think that he just didn't want to because he had qualms with Dylan.

After I finished my to-do list, I rushed upstairs quickly to shower and get dressed. Just as I was buttoning up my shirt, Emilio strolled into our bedroom.

"When does this soiree start?" he asked curiously.

"In an hour," I sighed. "So get dressed, please?"

"Fine," Emilio said rolling his eyes. "Oh and uh - Romero is in America for a photo shoot, so he's going to stop by."

"Romero! He's in America," I said my eyes lighting up. "Yeah! Tell him to stop by! Did you tell him about the party?"

"Yeah," Emilio nodded. "You know Romero - He's not one to miss a party. He and I have some things to discuss anyways."

"Things like?" I asked curiously.

"None of your business," Emilio chuckled pushing me lightly. "Get ready for your party host."

"Fine -Don't tell me! I'll find out eventually," I said walking downstairs. I glanced around at my decorations. I think I did a superb job. Everything was moving in order.

People arrived swiftly and before I knew it - our place was crowded. I was glad people had been on time. Dylan was surprised when he walked in. He had absolutely no idea that this was happening. Celeste and I were good at keeping secrets. I was glad he was happy.

"You did all of this," Dylan asked his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah," I grinned. "I'm your best friend, Dylan. I had a little help too from Celeste."

"Thanks Will," he said hugging me tightly. "Now I must mingle with my guests."

"Yeah do that," I nodded as he walked away from me. I glanced around the crowd of people, searching for Emilio. He was nowhere to be found. Where had he gone that fast? I moved upstairs towards my bedroom, following the sound of his voice. I crept down the hallway, stopping until I could hear Emilio and Romero's voice clearly.

Dr. Arrogant and Mr. Vanity (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now