Day 3: The Boy

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"Scaaarrrlleeeeet!" My name was screamed from downstairs. I opened my eyes to find myself in my old room from when I was about eight years old. Hot pink covered the walls with its own delight. I felt as if I didn't belong here. My name was hung above me, nailed to the wall. Scarlet was written in cursive letters, made of some sort of metal. I slowly got up, hearing my name screamed once more from downstairs.


"I'M COMING, MOM," I screamed back. I tried to ruffle up short hair, but it didn't work. The reason being I didn't have short hair. My hair falls over my shoulders and back, down to the center of my chest. I sighed and brushed my fingers through my brunette, wavy hair. I sighed. I walked over to my mirror. As I walked over, I stared at my feet, watching myself take each step. My feet were small and looked soft. I brushed my pink dress that fell to my knees as I stopped in front of my mirror.

I looked up at myself. My expression was blank. I looked deep into my black eyes, then I looked at everything else. I examined my whole body; the pink dress, the purple beaded bracelet on my wrist, the silver necklace that had a heart hanging from it which read "MOM'S FAVORITE" in tiny, cursive letters, and my wavy, brunette hair. I touched my soft, eight-year-old skin along with my soft hair. My hair was a little frizzy from having a bed head, but I obviously could care less. I looked at myself with pity, unhappy with my appearance.

I heard yelling from downstairs, which sounded like my mother and father were fighting again.

I sighed. I began walking downstairs, opening my door. I heard a loud thud from downstairs, then the sound of my mother screaming along with it. I began running downstairs as fast as I could, but my legs wouldn't let me run. All I did was feel my legs tremble with every step I had taken. I began walking down the stairs slowly, as I gripped onto the railing beside me. I peaked through the wooden bars holding the railing up, seeing my mother in the other room holding a bloody knife. My eyes widened in fear. My dad lain there, appearing to be unconscious. Blood oozed from under his body, spreading outward, creating a puddle under mom's feet.

"Daddy?" my mouth uncontrollably open and spoke. I covered it instantly, looking at my mother wide-eyed. She turned in my direction, staring at me with a devilish look. Suddenly, her skin cracked, she became pale, and her eyes were turning into a demonic-looking black. I felt fear take over my whole body.

She began walking toward me. She smiled at me, revealing her sharp, filthy teeth. Her long, black hair frizzed up, and with each step she took, she left cracked in the ground. Every step she took, anything that she had touched had broken. She exhaled, leaving a greenish gas leave her mouth and nose. I couldn't move. I was frozen. I tried to budge, but I couldn't. All my mother could do was laugh, and all I could do was watch. As she approached, her laugh became lower and louder. She began to sound monstrous, and I couldn't move a bit. I felt tears fill my eyes. I felt my muscles become tense, feeling them flex as I tried to run away, but I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and tried to scream, but nothing came out. I opened them to find myself in complete darkness, and when I blinked my mother appeared before me. I could make out all the cracks in her skin, all the veins in her neck, all the dirt in her teeth, and I could make out all the shades of grays in her ugly skin. She exhaled, a greenish gas leaving her mouth and nostrils once more. The gas hovered in front of my mouth and nose, leaving me no choice but to inhale it. As I did, I felt a sudden pain in my chest. I tried to cry out, but once again, nothing happened. My mother stood before me, and looked at me with her black, demonic eyes.

"You are to never remember this day," her hoarse voice caused me to shiver. She lifted her hand extended her index and middle finger. She moved them toward my eyes, but I couldn't close them. She touched my eyes and applied pressure. I tried to scream in terror and pain, but nothing came out again. She finally pushed so hard that I felt her fingers penetrate my eyes and push through my eye sockets and skull. I finally was able to let out a loud scream of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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