Chapter 1

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Her laughter rang out through the night air, waking me up. Well, for it to have woken me up, I would have had to be sleeping. I was lying there staring at the ceiling, hoping she wouldn't come tonight. Hoping she would wait until... never. I didn't want it to happen. She has told me before she always dreamt of it. She first mentioned it when I was six. I couldn't figure out why an eight year old would think of something so terrible.

Soon, the laughter became gargled then it quickly stopped along with a loud thud. She was working on her plan and I immediately knew what had been done. Her body would be found in the morning her throat slit and a knife through her stomach. People would think it to be suicide, but I knew better. Seven days from now she would come back and if something didn't happen soon, we would cease to exist.

Now it was my turn to think of a plan. But my plan would be different from hers. My plan would involve us not dying. I will have to come up with it soon though. Before the seven days pass and she comes to get us, Before my sister becomes a murderer.

After about three hours, I came up with one single idea. We move. I had a feeling my parents wouldn't want to move. They never knew what my sister had thought about. They thought she was so sweet. They would want to bury her body in the meadow full of flowers behind our house because they thought she would like it and they would always be able to visit her. But again I knew much better. She would dig herself up from the grave and bury herself in someplace no one would remember her death and they wouldn't be able to mourn for her because they soon wouldn't be alive.

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In the morning when my parents woke up I was prepared to hear the screams, but it still frightened me. Hearing their screams made me think, what if they really did want to move to get away from the horror scene, they may not want to be reminded of the event by the blood stains in her room. Stains that would never come off of the plush white carpet, or the beige walls. I walked downstairs to make sure my parents were handling it all right.

They weren't. They hadn't even called the police. Instead, they were just staring at the horrifying scene ahead of them. I walked over to the phone as quietly as possible as to not interrupt my parents' useless mourning. I dialed three numbers, one of the only phone numbers I knew, 911. Soon, a strict sounding and almost bored voice came on through the phone.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" said the voice

"Hello. I am at 14239 Hoesen Rd and we have a huge emergency. My sister is dead and my parents are too scared to find out who did it. Please hurry!" I said trying to sound sympathetic, but in all honesty I was frightened more than anything. Not for the reason everyone else would be. I was frightened for seven days from now, when she would come back to haunt me, and kill me.

The sirens were there one minute later. My mom and dad looked up from my sister's corpse long enough to notice what had been done. They turned around to see who had called, but I was already halfway up the stairs.

"Did you hear anything strange last night?" asked the female police officer who seems to be the boss.

My parents simply told her no.

The police officer noticed me and asked me the same question.

I wanted to tell them about the laughing and my sister's plan, but would they ever believe me?

I was about to say no when my parents sternly reminded me "Rose, don't lie to her."

So I decided to tell the truth.

"Ma'am, you may not believe me but Lily killed herself. She did this so seven days from now, she may come back and kill the family. She told me when I was six. I didn't know how an eight year old could think of such horrible things." I said quietly and that's when the laughing begins

"You're so creative. How could a sweet girl do all of that?" The officer laughed at me

They didn't believe me for one second. Not one of those police officers came to me to offer help or support. Instead, they were all dying of laughter, rolling on the floor. At that moment I wished I had just said no. If only adults were more open minded. My parents on the other hand were looking at me as if I had just said a piece of paper was a bunny. They would not accept the fact that their first born child would do such horrible things.

I was just about to tell them to stop when my mom said in a stern and rather upset voice "Why do you lie?"

"But I- I didn't lie." I stammered.

¨GO! get out of my sight I never want to see you again¨ My mom said, her voice wavering from anger, not looking at me and tears streaming down her face.

I solemnly went to my room.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I mumbled.

The police were heading away when I came up with another plan, and it wouldn't even be breaking the rules.

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