Day 1---Monday

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Castiel's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring. I sleepily turned it off and climbed out of bed. 'Today is going to be a bad day' I thought as I headed downstairs for breakfast. Once downstairs I decided against eating, I havent been eating much, if at all, anyway.

I return to my bedroom to get dressed for school. "SHIT!" I yell, my parents are both out of town and my 3 brothers moved out together months ago, I have to take the bus AND its my first day at the new school. I knew today was going to be bad.

I quicky finish dressing and run outside to my stop just as the bus pulls up. The doors open to reveal an old man sitting behind the wheel and a bus full of hormone raging teenagers. I swifty make my way to the very back. There I see a boy with sandy blonde hair. I sit down across from him hoping to go unnoticed.

Unfortunately the boy notices me. He looks up showing his chiseled features and his vibrant green eyes. "Hi" he says "You must be new." "Yea" I reply.
"Im Dean Winchester." "Hi, Im Castiel Novak."
*skips to lunch, because I can*

Its lunch, the worst time of the day. I walk up to the cafeteria doors shaking, preparing myself for the hordes of teens within. As I'm about to open the doors I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around to find Dean standing there. "Follow me, you dont want to go in there" Dean says quietly. I do as he says and we make our way to a field behind the school.

The feild is small. It has a reletively large oak tree in the far corner. I continue to follow Dean to the largest tree where he sits down. I repeat his actions and sit across from him. He starts eating his lunch "Aren't you going to eat?" He asks. "Im not hungry" I answer as my stomach growls "Okay."

During lunch Dean and I got to know eachother, his favourite colour is green, his middle name is John, his parents both died so he lives with his "adoptive father" Bobby, and he also has a little brother named Sam.
*skips to 6th period*

I still have 5 minutes left in drama. I have next period off. My thoughts drift to Dean with his beautiful eyes and perfect hair. No no I can think like that, I'm Straight and I barely know the guy. Im jolted by the sudden sound of the bell. I collect my things and head out the door, to the field dean showed me.

I get to the field and sit down by the large oak. I pull out my phone and start reading on it. Just minutes later I look up to find Dean walking towards me. "Hi, I didnt know you'd be here" he says, "Yea I decided to come here since I have no way to get home" "Oh cool mind if I sit with you" "Not at all"

Dean sits down next to me, his back facing the tree. "So hows your day been?" He asks, obviously trying to make small talk "Okay, I guess, yours?" I reply "Same old day in hell" he says with a chuckle, I laugh along with him. Once we stop laughing we each go back to doing our own thing, Dean doing homework and I reading.
*30 minutes later*

Just minutes before the bell rings I hear dean clear his throat, "Hey you wanna hang out later?" Hang out? He asked Me to hang out, YES "Sure" I answer a little to excitedly "Cool, is your house okay...Sam is home and knowing him he wont leave us alone" "Mines fine, but my parents are both out of town" "Great" "Do you just want to get of the bus together?" "Yea." The bell rings and we stand up walking towards the bus loop.

Dean and I are the first two people on the bus. We get to the back and sit down waiting for the rest of the teens to show up. Within minutes nearly 25 people fill the bus. Dean and I both have headphones so we pop them in and tune out everyone else.

Finally, after 20 long minutes the bus pulls up to my stop. Dean and I exit the bus. We start the short walk to my house, 2 minutes later we're here. I run up the steps to my front door, unlock it, then move aside so dean can go by. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask dean, "Sure" "Are chips and dip okay?" "Yea." I grab chips from the pantry and dip from the fridge. "Here" I place the chips and dip on the table. "Aren't you going to have some?" Dean asked "Not hungry" I lie "You didnt eat lunch you have to be hungry" "Not really" I try to convice him. "Whatever you say"

Dean and I hung out for a good 4 hours. In that time we talked, played video games, and just screwed around. I walked him home after Sam called him for dinner. I just now got back to my house. I grab a pair of sweatpants, a pair of boxers, a t-shirt, and a towel. I take a shower before going to bed. Tommorow is a new, fabulous day.

Authors Note
This is my first fanfic I have ever written, if there are mistakes im so sorry. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. The format for the book is that each chapter is a day. The format for dialogue is stated in the description incase you get confused. I hope to update everyday, but with school that probably wont happen. So for now Im sticking with a every 1 to 3 day updating format.
Thank you so so much for reading. If you liked this fanfic please share it. I hope you have a great day or night.
Bye Lovies!!

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