Day 4---Thursday

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Waking up feels like shit, I tossed and turned halfway through the night. Getting up before my alarm clock went off doesn't help either. I grab my phone, 5:48 am, reads the time. Great. I start my usual morning activities, brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, etc.

It's about 6:15 am when I hear a knock on the front door. Wondering who it is I sprint downstairs and calmly open the door. "Hey" Dean says looking at me "Hi, what are you doing here" I say trying not to sound too shocked "I couldn't sleep last night and woke up early, so i figured id come over if thats okay"  dean says quietly "Yea its fine, great actually." Once inside we sit down on the couch, after 5 minutes or so Dean speaks up, "So I'm going on a trip with my uncle bobby next week"  he says. That really sucks, I actually have a good friend here and he's leaving for a week. "Oh that's cool, my parents are actually coming home for a couple days then flying back to India for the next 3 months" "Wow, India. Why are they in India"  Dean asks "They have business over there, they won't tell me anything but that" I answer vaguely "Its still really cool" "Thanks"

We were watching TV for about an hour when I look at my watch realizing it nearly 7:10, the time the bus gets here "Dean the bus is gonna be here any minute" I state turning toward him "Let's go then" we stand up walking out the door then down the steps out to the side walk and head down the road.

The bus pulled up and we entered. Now I'm sitting in 1st period having fun for once. Ms. Bertum gave us free time in the computer lab for the "hard work" we did on the essays yesterday. Luckily I got first pick. I picked the lone computer on an isolated desk away from everyone else.

The bell just rang sadly, we all log off the computers and exit the classroom. I make my way to second period. Today we are supposed to be taking a test on the periodic table. Knowing I'm new the teacher lets me take the test when i choose. I chose to take it with the rest of the class because Ive learned the periodic table already. 30 odd minutes later the whole class finishes and we start to self grade them. I surprisingly got the top grade out of the class.

Third period seemed to last forever. Math is literally so fucking boring. I never understand it. That's probably why after only 3 days my grade dropped from a C to a D. Oops. Its not Like I really care. Mr. Kline is talking about something that I don't understand, per usual. Pythagorean Theorem I think. Its so stupid. He cant teach for shit anyway. I pretty much ignore the rest of the period until I hear the bell ring.

Lunch, or as I call it sweet sweet freedom. I walk straight to the back field. Dropping down to the ground quickly.  Within seconds I drift off into an accidental sleep. Suddenly I hear Dean's voice. I open my eyes and sunlight floods in. I sit upright rubbing my eyes. "Cas c'mon the bell is about to ring" "Really?" I ask whilst standing up "Yea"  Dean reply's "Why did you let me sleep so long?" I question "You looked really tired"  Aww he cares about me "I was.....Th-thanks" I stutter out "No problem". Right then the bell rings signally Gym.

"Hey Cas"  Dean say stopping me  "Yea Dean"  "I really don't want to go to my 4th period" Dean states suggestively "Neither do I" I respond understanding what Dean means "Do you maybe want to skip with me then?" Dean says suddenly nervous "Id love to."

During the period Dean and I skipped we didn't do much. He let  me sleep some more and I did the same for him. Hes really pretty when he sleeps. Oh dear god that sounds stalkerish. I meant that in a non stalkerish fashion. But truthfully he really is pretty. I got to look at his freckles and his pink plump oh-so-kissable lips. I need to stop. I absolutely 100% can NOT have a crush on Dean. For one hes a, well, HE and hes my only friend.

5th and 6th periods fucking sucked. Its okay tho because I got to see Dean today. You know thinking about it he really makes me happy. I'm scared about next week. I could gain a lot of weigh in a week. He could find someone else in a week. He could get hurt. He could fall in love. oh my god i cant. No no hes only my friend not  anything else. Everything is okay. I'm okay. ((((((((:

The bus ride was silent but as we got off the bus I spoke up. "Hey dean I as thinking since you're leaving Sunday do you um want to  maybe possibly spend the nigh at my house Friday?" "Really, of course, id love too"  Dean says ecstatically "cool." As we part ways dean waves to me. Hes so sweet though. OH SHIT WAIT. DEANS COMING TO MY HOUSE. ON FRIDAY. TO SPEND THE NIGHT. AHHHH. Nope its good everythING IS ALL GOOOOOOOD. (no its not).

Home finally. Time to binge watch whatever I want. As I walk in I notice the stove is running and the TV is on. All of a sudden my parents come up and hug me. Shit. They're home early. "Hello Castiel"  My parents say in unison. Great, the strict, extremely religious, homophobic, non understanding, parents. Kill me. They will NEVER let dean stay over. "Hello mom, dad" "Castiel we decided to stop by early because our plane was rescheduled and leaves tomorrow at 2:37 pm"  My mom said nicely. FUCK YEA THEY'RE GONNA BE GONE SO DEAN CAN COME  OVER!!!!!

The rest of the night I pretty much avoided my parents and prepared for dean to spend the night tomorrow. Oh shit. Dean always makes me eat. Ill have to figure something out. I went to bed early specifically to avoid my parents. Tomorrow is all I can think about as I fall asleep.

Authors Note

Yes so tomorrow aka the next chapter dean and cas will be together ALONE. Maybe something will happen maybe something wont i don't know i haven't written the chapter yet. ;)))))))))))                               I must apologize for taking SO long to update. Ill be honest. On March 6th i tried to overdose and was hospitalized for that night and sent to a crisis unit for 3 days. i got out and didn't feel like updating. 5 couple weeks or so before school ended I skipped a class and got caught. I ended up getting a referral and while I was in the office I decided to say "I want to die" under my breath. Unfortunately, the Guidance Counselor heard me and made me repeat what I said. They called the resource office and Baker Acted me. They refused to let me be released to my moms custody because it was a liability. My mom showed up to the school and put up a fight to not get me sent back to the crisis unit. They of course refused. I was put back in the crisis unit for 3 days and  when i got out i didn't have my phone or computer for a long while. Fortunately, I'm doing a lot better. I'm on medication and have a psychologist to help. Again sorry for the delay. Its summer now so it shouldn't happen again. Bye Loviess.

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