Wedding Day

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Chapter 32

Adrianna pov.

I stared at the card hating the fact that the wedding is going was I read and reread the invitation over and over. I laid back in my bed as I stared at the ceiling debating on weather or not if I should crash this wedding. "Damn right I'm crashing this wedding as much pain this nigga put me through." I stood up and put on swaets not even bothering to dress up for the occasion that's gonna go down hill.

Niah pov

Here comes the bride, here comes the bride. That was my cue to go linked arms with a pasted from the church I used to go to back in Compton. I walked down the isle as all eyes landed on me. I took in a breath and swallowed hard trying to hold on my tears. My eyes linked with Princeton as I stepped on the podium. "Everyone may be seated. We are gathered here today for the wonderful day of the marriage of Niah Lousen and Jacob Perez. I believe you guys have prepared you're own vows?"

I shook my head yes, "Jacob we had a rough start but now we're going to have a bright future. I promise to be there when you need me and when you want me, i promise to be honest with you and not to hold anything against you, I promise to forever love and care for you not to hurt you not to lie to you not to anger you or disrespect you."

"Niah, Mrs. Perez, I promise to forever hold you in my arms, I promise not to let go, I promise to keep that beautiful smile and your beautiful face, I promise to love and care for you, to provide for you. I love you, since that day we met I knew I was gonna marry you. Yeah we had our ups and Downs but it was over petty stuff that we now laugh about. Ive never met a girl like you, so strong and worry free. You complete me and I love you for that."

Tears escaped my eyes. "Do you Niah Lousen take Jacob Perez to be your husband.?"

"I do."

"Do you Jacob Perez take Niah Lousen to be your wife?"

"I do."

"I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Perez. You may kiss the bride."

I smiled as he crashed his lips into mine. The crowd was filled with cheers and clapping that made me realize this moment was real. I'm Mrs. Perez.

Adrianna pov

"Niah, Mrs. Perez, I promise to forever hold you in my arms, I promise not to let go, I promise to keep that beautiful smile and your beautiful face, I promise to love and care for you, to provide for you. I love you, since that day we met I knew I was gonna marry you. Yeah we had our ups and Downs but it was over petty stuff that we now laugh about. Ive never met a girl like you, so strong and worry free. You complete me and I love you for that."

As soon as I heard his words I broke down. He had said those words to me before... I left running out the doors and I felt a pair of arms around me. I looked up, "Prod you should be inside congratulating them I'm fine." I stood up wiping my tears away.

"Nah, Princeton is being dumb as hell but don't cry over him and let him win, let him thinking uh you don't need him. Because once he knows you've moved on, he's gonna be the one feeling like shit. Now get up and sit in there and keep a smile on you're face and congratulate him." He pulled me up as we went inside.

I smiled as they threw rice and petals down the isle. I couldn't take it. I got up and went home.

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