chapter seven

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Hotaru stared longingly outside of the window. The environment had made her feel uneasy. The problem wasn't necessarily it, but it was the simple fact that she couldn't go back home. Homesickness was what it was. It was the worst feeling she could ever get, going to an unknown and unfamiliar place on her own and with no one to trust. She wondered if she should tell Shu how she feels. She doubted he cared though, after all, he did break his promise to her. How can she think of him as reliable after that?

Her orange eyes trailed over to the door keeping her from going home. She never really did check to see if it was locked or not. Maybe ...

Or maybe not. What if Shu sees her trying to escape and then decides to punish her? Hotaru shook her head and got rid of all of the dirty thoughts. This was serious. What did they even want from her anyway? Other than her blood. Yui said that she was meant to be next. Meaning that everything was planned. She was dying to know what was going on and Shu wasn't visiting her anytime soon it seemed.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Shu, who would've had an indifferent expression if it weren't for the guilt visible in his eyes.

"Shu! Can you please explain to me what is going on? Why are you keeping me here? Who are you guys? Who is Yui? Can --" She stopped as soon as he lifted up his hand and turned to look away.

"Listen, I know you're confused, but please give me some time to explain." Shu took a deep breath before starting, "You and Momo, you both are ... servants of God, or Angels to put it in another way."

" ... What?"

"I know, I know. It's crazy isn't it --"

"No - I mean I get  it, somewhat. I don't think anything is more absurd than you being a vampire, but there you are, so at this point I think I am capable of believing anything." Hotaru assured, "I just ... God is real?"

"Yeah. If you and Momo exist, then yes." He looked like he was in deep thought, "None of us believed it, even when he told us. But since Yui believed in God so much, she was determined to find all of the Angels, so like that she can ... "

"She can ... ?"

Shu sighed, "Escape her fate."


There was still that vibe she got from the house that she couldn't ignore. It was creepy and as much as she wanted to say that Ayato didn't belong there, he did. And a whole lot. But Ayato wouldn't hurt her. As he led the way through different areas of the mansion, she felt like there would never be an end.

"Ayato-kun ... ?"


"Who is Yui to you?" Momo gained the courage to ask.

"Heh, jealous?" Ayato looked back to give her a warm smile, "You don't have to be. There's nothing to be jealous or insecure about."

"It's not that." She stated rather bluntly, "Because I just -- don't get it. Yui seemed to know us right when she saw us and Hotaru heard her say that 'she was near', before running off mysteriously. And then there's you going to school at night and no offense but your brothers they -- they --"

"Creep you out."


"I wanted to wait." He said slowly, "But there's no helping it, you will have to know eventually. Momo ... Yui is evil."

"What?" She gave him an are-you-kidding-me look.

"What I mean is, stay away from her. If she asks you to do something, don't do it." Ayato warned, "She won't mind making you suffer through a fate that should've been hers."

"And you're helping her, aren't you?" Her voice became uneven.

"Only because it finally brought you back to me."

"I'm sure that there's more you're not telling me." Momo closed her eyes, " ... But I am going to trust you, okay? Please don't take advantage of it."

"I won't." He sighed in relief and cupped her cheeks. He settled a tender kiss on her lips that soon became heated and passionate, just the way he liked it. However, Momo whimpered when she felt something sharp dig into her bottom lip.

Ayato pulled away with his eyes widened. He didn't mean to bite her. He didn't mean to hurt her. He just wanted to make her feel good. But almost instantly he nostrils got filled with the delicious scent of her blood. He never smelled anything like it. It smelled almost like she smelled, fruity and sweet, only more ... more ... inviting. He licked his lips. His throat became dry, and it burned for it.

"Ah! Ayato-kun, be more careful would you please?" Momo whined but her eyes didn't look up to meet his.

She couldn't say any more before Ayato crashed his lips against hers and let his tongue lick away the blood. It was heavenly. He moaned against her mouth, because he was finally able to gulp it down and relished the sweetness of the red liquid.


Shizuka was muttering a few curses under her breath. She was being followed. She knew she was. She wasn't stupid or naïve, she knew that the heavy clothes and constant stares from that big fellow had to mean something suspicious. She read about it all over the news, her friends talked about it and even some of her family experienced it. Rape, murder, kidnapping. All things she was certainly not going to be a part of.

Taking a turn to a crowded street, she made sure from a safe distance that the street lights were on red before running across like a mad woman. She turned around to check and see if the mysterious figure was still following her but he ... vanished.

She quickly scanned the streets and sidewalks, until she saw him, waiting for her up ahead. She gasped. How did he even get there before her? Not caring, she took another turn down another way to avoid him. Sadly, there was hardly anyone there. Nobody was outside and all of the houses' lights were off, meaning they were either asleep or not at home.

Growling, Shizuka went up to the first door and slammed her fists on it.

"Open up! Please! Who ever is in there! OPEN UP!!!" She cried out. She could feel her eyes beginning to sting, but no, she would not cry.

She heard footsteps approaching and then the doorknob made a ticking sound and she smiled with relief.

But her smile faded when she saw who was on the other side.

" ... Yui?"

Yui gazed up at her with an innocent look, "Oh, Shizuka Nanase, isn't it?"

"Y-Yeah. Hey can I come in, please, I'm being followed and -- and I need a place to hide at." Shizuka pleaded.

"Oh sure!" Yui smiled kindly and then turned her attention behind Shizuka, "Is he with you?"

"Who --" Shizuka turned around and nearly jumped when she saw his cloaked towering form. The guy that was chasing her!

She turned back to look at Yui.

The last thing she saw before everything went black was Yui's evil smirk.

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