4 | Learning to Dance With Joe Sugg

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But really.. I was kinda sad to see him go.

Chapter 3 | Learning to Dance With Joe Sugg
I sat in the TV room, listening to music and just going on my laptop. The atmosphere felt so different. It felt.. new, but also old at the same time.

"Whatcha listening to?" Joe's British accent cut smoothly through my music as he took off one of my earphones and placed it in his own.

"Wait, no!" I tried to protest, of course it was already too late.

'And~ I would answer all your wishes, if you ask me to~'

'Its All About You,' by Joe and the rest of the YouTube Boyband was already blasting through the earphones. I sat there red-faced.

"I spot a fangirlll~" Joe laughed, throwing his head back like a little kid.

"Oh my gosh.." I attempted to cover my red face with my hands, burying myself into the chair.

"Awww don't worry, its adorable love!"


My heart skipped a beat when he called me 'love'. I mean, I know that he called everyone 'love', but my heart still raced on.

"Here, I'll even teach you the dance," he looked at me and smiled, extending his hand out for me.

"Oh no, thank you so much but I can't dance," I gave a nervous laugh.

"Nonsense," he laughed, carefully holding my hand and pulling me away to a more spacious area of the house.

"So the first bit is to move your right hand, click, left hand, click," he explained as he demonstrated the movements.

"So.. like this..?" I tried to copy him, I did, but I still managed to forget the steps.

"Oh, your hand goes.... here," He stood behind me and held my hand again, placing it in the correct spot nicely. I could feel his clothes onto mine, his hands were surprisingly soft, as he helped correct my movements.

Gosh I'm so ridiculously nervous!

"Ok so from the top!" he had this really adorable concentrating face. His mouth would unconsciously open just the tiniest bit, then it would close itself again, this time biting onto his lower lip. To be fair, it would have been easy for ANYONE to forget the steps, I mean, look at him.

Okay so, hand here, other hand here, step back, step back, step ba-ACK.

I must've bumped into Joe because I fell over miserably, but two arms caught me, and they held me in safety. I looked up cautiously, and my eyes met with two gorgeous green ones.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked, worried, his face was as red as mine.

"I - I think so..?" My words fumbled, I could feel the heat of his face on mine. I tried to stand up, straighten myself up.

"From the top?" I gave a nervous laugh. He laughed back and grinned.

"From the top!"

End of Chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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