1 | Finally

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Chapter 1 | Finally
"Altighty thanks," I ended the call carefully.

I got in..

For once, my life was really taking a turn up. I've got my scholarship at Oxford, my student visa, and a roommate all sorted out.

I just got off the phone with the apartment manager and she told me there was a room available for one more. And I got it!

18 year old Annabelle Jackson, is finally getting her life on track.

* * *

3rd Person P.O.V
"Taxi!" Annabelle called out, extending her hand out and wavering it about.


Another rejectful taxi, another ride gone.

The plane ride was long enough, now the taxi's won't even stop for her, and she was getting restless.

"Taxi!" She called out again, this time with a little more frustration. The car directed at her direction, stopping at the curve.

Yes! Finally..

"Can you please take me to this address?" She handed the driver a piece of paper. He nodded and got out of his taxi and placed her luggage into the trunk. Annabelle thanked him a sat in the backseat.

The drive there was kinda long but she didn't care, she was just glad she could finally have a bed to sleep on.

Annabelle fast-paced to the floor her new room was in and knocked on the door.

I wonder what's she's gonna be like.. Fingers crossed she's nice aye?

A few seconds after the door slid open graciously.

"Hi," a strong British accent answered.

No way..

End of Chapter

Author's Note
Sorry for the crappy first chapter guys :/ I promise you only the first chapter is crap.. So please keep reading! :) <3

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