Chapter 1

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"Dad? Chris?" I walked downstairs, trying to find them, "Where the hell are you guys at?"

"Kat. You're finally awake." Chris walked towards me from the kitchen with blood on his face.

I turned around and the front door opened, "Dad..."

Devin locked the door behind him with a knife in his hand, "You have nothing to worry about anymore. Nikki's gone. So is Ricky, Ryan, and Vinny."

"What are you talking about and why are you both covered in blood..?" I looked at them both, panicking.

"We killed them." Chris smirked and grabbed me.

Devin walked towards me and raised the knife, "Now it's your turn."

"Kat wake up!" Devin shook me.

I woke up, "Dad.." I hugged him.

He held me, "Are you ok? You started crying and screaming but you were asleep.."

"Yeah. I'm fine. It was just a nightmare but I'll be ok." I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around me.

He got up, "Alright. Well we're all downstairs. Chris is making breakfast."

I nodded, "Ok.."

"You have an appointment at the hospital today.. They want to see if you still need the depression and anxiety meds." He put his hand on my head, "I'll be there with you though and everything will be alright."

Devin left my room and I got up to get ready for the day.

About 20 minutes later I went downstairs, wearing the exact same outfit I wore when I met them.

Chris looked at me, "It's been a while since we've seen that outfit."

I looked at him and seen he was holding a knife to cut some fruit, "Don't come near me with that in your hand." I sat in the front room on the floor in front of Devin and looked at him.

"That's the exact outfit you wore when we met." He smiled a little and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I didn't think you would remember." I looked down at my phone.

"Who you texting?" He asked, looking at my phone.

I handed him my phone, "A friend. His name is Corben. He lives in Arizona."

He didn't take my phone, "I believe you. There's no reason for me to go through your phone. I don't think you're doing anything wrong so I'm not going to."

I went back to doing what I was doing, "When do I get to listen to the new album?"

Vinny looked at me, "Somebody's being impatient."

I glared at him, "What do you expect when Chris won't let me see the lyrics and I haven't heard anything from it even though I've been to the studio everyday you guys have gone."

"She has a point." Ricky smirked, "But you have to wait like everybody else."

Chris walked in, "I gave you a copy of it to give to her Vinny. I swear to god if you lost it I'm going to stab you."

I jumped up, "No!"

They all looked at me.

"Kat? What's wrong?" Devin asked me and grabbed my hand to get me to sit down.

I sat next to him, "Nothing.. Just that nightmare I had.."

Chris went back to the kitchen and Devin hugged me.

* * * * * * *

That nightmare has been bugging me all day.. The doctor said I still need my meds and he's going to up the dosage so that's going to be fun.

"Kat. What happened in your nightmare?" Devin sighed, looking at the road driving us home.

I looked out the window, "You and Chris... You guys killed everybody... Chris was holding me so I couldn't run... You were about to kill me.. The knife wasn't even an inch from me... That's when you woke me up.."

He put a hand on my arm, "That would never happen. Considering I can barely cut fruit without hurting myself, and me and Chris are both to nice to hurt people."

"I know dad. It just really scared me.." I put my hoodie on as we pulled into the drive way, "You're not going to tell them what the doctor said are you?"

"No, I'm not. If anybody finds out it will be Chris." He put the car in park and turned it off.

We got out and I hugged him, "Thank you for everything.. I love you."

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