Chapter 3

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(I can't stop listening to City Lights so that song is my inspiration for this chapter. Let me know what you guys are thinking so far?)

I'm so fucking excited right now. The Apollo X Tour starts today in California. Somehow dad managed to let the manager agree to me staying on the bus with them.

"Kat what are you doing?" Chris looked down at my notebook.

I smiled a little, "I'm copying down the lyrics to City Lights so I can remember it."

He sat next to me, "I thought you did know the lyrics?"

"I did before I knew you guys. Then everything happened and with all the drama and that they kinda got lost in the chaotic mind of mine." I closed the notebook.

Vinny looked at me, "You better be telling the truth and not writing more fan-fiction about Andy and Ashley."

I smirked, "I already put that story on wattpad."

Devin looked at me, "What are you going to do when they read it?"

"How are they going to know it's there and that I wrote it?" I shrugged.

"Because I just sent Andy a text telling him." Ricky smiled evilly at me.

Chris got up, "Come on guys. It's time for sound check and Kat needs to set up the merch table."

They all followed Chris and I went to where the table was.

"And nothing I could ever write will help you understand this life. There's so much beauty when your eyes get lost in all the city lights.." I sung to myself.

~Chris's POV~

Devin is being overly protective of Kat again but I have no idea why. I asked Kat what was going on with him and she doesn't know. I tried asking him but he just changed the subject. He's probably getting hate about her again.

I looked over and seen Kat singing to herself again, "Devin. Why won't you tell me what's going on? She's just as curious about it as I am."

He looked down and sighed, "When I posted about the tour and that she was going to be with us selling the merch again..."

"People started hating again?" I sighed, "Most people love her and that's better than the few who don't."

Kat seen us talking and looked down.

"She's your daughter. She deserves to know." I looked over at him.

"My parents are included in those few people who don't like her." He walked over to Kat and started talking to her.

"Chris, why are you so set on helping him with everything?" Vinny glared at me.

"Because he's like my brother. More so than you anyways. Besides that, we grew up together. I've known him since he was 5." I walked away from him and everybody else.

~Kat's POV~

I walked onto the bus with dad and seen Chris holding my notebook.

"How did you get the original lyrics?" He looked at me then back at the paper.

I looked down, "I found a binder in the hall closet and they were in it so I copied them down.."

Chris and dad looked at each other.

"I thought we got rid of that when we moved." Dad looked at my notebook, "It must've been the notebook we put all the original copies in for that writing class we had in high school."

"We must've gotten rid of the other one that had the printed copies." Chris smiled a little, "You'll have to pull it out when we get home so we can look at it."

I nodded, "Ok. Uhm, anyways, where did you put all the face paint?"

~~~~~AFTER THE SHOW~~~~~

"Kat where are you?" Dad sighed.

I sent him a text telling him I'm hiding on his bunk on the bus.

"Kat... I can't help if you don't tell me what happened.." He pulled back the curtain and seen the blood on my wrist, "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up and you can tell me."

We went to the back area of the bus and he started cleaning my new cuts, "What happened..?"

"Dad.. Nobody likes me.. None of the fans... You're parents.. They all want me out of your life." I whispered.

He bandaged my wrist and kissed it softly, "They're all to blind to see how happy you make me. If you hadn't come into my life, I would either be getting abused by Nikki, or not here at all."

I looked down.

"You're my princess, and nothing can change that. I love you Kat. You're a Sola, remember?"

I nodded slightly.

He kissed my forehead, "Come on. We have a meet and greet to get to. I want you there, next to me and Chris, the entire time. If anybody has anything bad to say about you, they can skip me and go to Chris."

"Ok.." I got up and put on his jacket he gave me when we met.

We walked inside and I sat between him and Chris. The entire time nobody said anything about me. I sat quietly and listened to City Lights on repeat while I doodled on a notepad.

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