Not So Smart Phone

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AN: The long wait is finally over! I am back and so is a new chapter of Lab Rats! I am so sorry for making you lovely people wait so long but I hope that you aren't too mad with me. Thanks so much for sticking with this story. Stay classy people!

Not So Smart Phone

After school got out one day, Chase called me to come usual. He insisted I be there in the lab when he and Bree came home from working at Tech Town. As I got there, Leo and Adam were setting up bowling pins but didn't question their logic or reason. I mean, come on, it's Adam and Leo!

While I was waiting, I checked my phone for the time and wondered where the heck Chase and Bree were. My thoughts were interrupted when said person came strolling into the lab on his high horse with his reluctant sister following him.

"Hey guys! Check it out!" Chase called before kissing my cheek "We just got our first paycheck from Tech Town!"

"Nice!" Leo commented "What are you gonna spend it on? A video game?" He nudged Chase and I could tell where the rest was going, "New kicks? A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks."

Chase smirked "Nope! I'm gonna open a savings account."

Leo looked to me with a look I knew all too well...the 'What the heck are you doing with him' look as I like to call it. He gives it to me every time Chase says or does something that he doesn't approve on...which is a lot now that I think about it. But I just shrug my shoulders in response knowing how dorkish my boyfriend could be.

From the corner of my eye I could see Adam's head fall down in defeat.

"Look I wanna like you," Bree said before patting him on the back "but you make it so hard. And I can say for everyone in this room that we have no idea how Katie does it."

"Patience and practice young Padawan." I replied.

"The job also comes with perks," Chase pulled out a phone and my eyes went wide. Is that what I think it is?!

Leo must have thought the same thing I did because his eyes went wide, "The new EPhone 7! Those aren't even out yet! How did you get one?!"

"Well, Leo, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire..."

Bree cut him off with a sarcastic smirk as she pulled out hers, "Hmm, we all got one."

Bree smiled and walked away but not before grabbing my hand and tugging me out of the lab "Come on Katie. I could use a few hours of girl talk."

Chase yelled after us "But I called her over to hang out with me!"

Bree snorted "You snooze you lose sucker!"


"I'm Adam Davenport and this is bionic bowling."

That was the first sentence I heard as I walked into the lab an hour later.

Leo had Chase's phone in his hand and was recording, "Adam is six foot two, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else."

"Burn," I coughed into my hand before letting a strange giggle come from my mouth. The guys must have heard me because they looked at me funny before continuing with their stupidity.

Adam let out a breath before throwing the bowling ball across the room where it tackled all the pins in a strike. I rolled my eyes before they set the pins back up and it was Chase's turn.

"I'm Chase Davenport and this is Molelecularkenisis bowling,"

Chase set up his shot while Leo talked into the phone, "A native to Mission Creek, Chase's hobbies include being a tattle tale and creeping out girls." I coughed "Except Katie Davis who scares me."

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