Mission: Mission Creek High

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AN: And we're off with episode three! Hope you all like it!

Bree had invited me over to hang out because ever since the whole debacle with Mr. Davenport’s brother and the first encounter with bad boy Victor Crane, Bree and I hardly had any best friend bonding time. Of course this meant that I was banned from seeing Chase until further notice by Princess Bree. I didn’t mind it that much since I missed hanging out with her. Sometimes it’s hard to have a best friend and your boyfriend be siblings and live under one roof.

We had set our girls day in the sitting room and sat there and talked while our pink and purple nails dried completely. We talked about everything and nothing in between. But mostly our talk was about what happened to the both of us while they were away hiding. I told them about how Principal Perry let us spend the night at the school and I spilled about how much I missed them.

Bree frowned at that, “I’m sorry all of this happened Katie. We didn’t mean for you to get caught into all this trouble.”

“Don’t worry about Bree. I knew what I was getting into when I started hanging out with you guys. And I’d do it all again,” I told her, “Besides, now, I can’t imagine my life without you guys in it.”

Bree brought me into a hug and whispered, “I am so glad you’re my best friend.”

We were interrupted when the boys walked into the room, “Aw, we see hugging,” Adam said before going into the kitchen to get a pudding cup.

Chase kissed my forehead just before Mr. Davenport happily came down the stairs.

“The lab is officially done!” He cried, “I can’t wait to show you what I’ve done with the place!”

Mr. Davenport kept singing ‘I got a new lab’ over and over again until we reached one of the entrances to the lab. So far I wasn’t the only one getting annoyed with his childish antics.

“Whoa, whoa, I think you mean ‘we’ got a new lab,” Bree said.

“Excuse me,” Mr. Davenport scoffed, “Did ‘we’ pay to rebuild it?”

“Do you sleep in a glass box?” Bree threw back at him.

Mr. Davenport paused before smiling and singing, “We got a new lab. We got a new lab,” Chase and Leo started dancing like idiots.

I placed my hand on Chase’s arm, “Please stop that.”

Chase pouted but didn’t say anything because in that moment, Mr. Davenport spread his arms out, “And here it is.”

The doors slid open and my mouth dropped.

The lab was completely redone. A lot of the stuff was a complete upgrade from what I had known before the blast. Still, a part of me will miss the old lab considering all the memories I have with my second family, but this new lab is totally amazing in itself.

“Guys,” Chase said as he looked around in awe, “Look at all these upgrades. Mr. Davenport this place is amazing!”

“Of course it is,” Mr. Davenport laughed, “I designed it.”

Leo looked over at him, “Ehem!”

Mr. Davenport was frustrated, “Fine! WE designed it! We!” Mr. Davenport let out another sigh before walking over to their capsules, “Upgraded capsules; bam! Quantum processing super computer; bam! Four dimensional combat simulator; bam! This, my friends, is what a multi-million dollar makeover looks like.”

“Is there a mini fridge?” Adam asked.


“I bet our real dad has a mini fridge,” Adam told Chase over his shoulder.

Lab Rats: Season 3 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now